Saturday, May 31, 2008

Asbestos Settlements

It has been proved that asbestos is responsible for a host of deadly diseases, including cancer. Settlements worth billions have been given in asbestos litigation; settlements worth billions more are pending in various American courts.

The purpose of asbestos settlements is to help the victim of asbestos related diseases with money to cover medical expenses. In worse cases, it was meant as a compensation for the loss of income over the years, and the potential earning capacity of an individual.

The government has set up regulations that limits asbestos exposure with the permissible limit for exposure being 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter for an eight hour workday. For every 30 minutes of work period, fibre exposure should fall below 1.0 fibre per cc. Statutory health protection measures such as these have been mandated.

The process of asbestos settlement puts the onus on the employer to compensate victims of asbestos related health problems. In case the company fails to adhere to these stipulated protection rules, resulting in adverse effects for its workers, the company is legally bound to pay settlement to the affected workers as compensation.

There have been numerous cases of asbestos settlements in the United States, after the awareness towards asbestos as a health hazard grew. Two of these famous cases happened in 1997 and 1999. Both these cases involved huge settlement class actions. In the end, both these settlements were overturned by the court.

There are also allegations of asbestos settlements having become a full-fledged industry, where the party benefiting the most are the attorneys, as they get a part of the settlement as fees for fighting the cases.

Asbestos Lawyers provides detailed information on Asbestos Lawyers, Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers, Asbestos Trial Lawyers, Asbestos Lawsuits and more. Asbestos Lawyers is affiliated with Asbestos Litigation Attorneys.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

What is Asbestos and How Does it Cause Disease?

Asbestos is an extremely toxic, naturally found mineral that was once used in home and boat insulation, brake pads, and floor and ceiling tiles. In around 1980 asbestos was determined to cause several life-threatening asbestos exposure-related diseases (asbestosis, lung cancer, pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma).

Asbestos fibers are inhaled and get trapped in the lungs causing scar tissue and chronic inflammatory lesions. These lesions lead to difficult breathing and in some case become cancerous.

There has been a great increase in the number of cases of pleural mesothelioma diagnosed recently because often this disease doesnt manifest until years after exposure (in some cases 40 years). This means that thousands of construction workers, drywallers, shipbuilders, floor covering installers, automobile repair workers, cementers, oil refinery workers, and many other laborers who worked with asbestos between 1940 and 1980 are at serious risk of developing asbestos exposure related illnessess such as pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) or asbestosis.

If you think you have worked with or have been exposed to asbestos, you may be at risk for developing asbestosis, lung cancer, or mesothelioma. You should contact a mesothelioma or personal injury attorney who deals especially with asbestos exposure-related diseases and mesothelioma in your area. They will almost certainly be able to help you obtain the compensation you may deserve.

In fact, despite evidence that it was dangerous, many of these companies ignored the potential risks of asbestos exposure, continuing to manufacture asbestos products without the necessary employee protection.

Starting in the 1970s the US government started to take action by restricting and regulating the use of asbestos. For many people this action came far too late. Thousands of workers in these industries have since developed serious, life-threatening asbestos exposure-related diseases, including asbestosis, pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma, and lung cancer. For these people, there is certianly now hope, both medically and legally. Read on to learn more about contacting a mesothelioma attorney and doctor.

David Barnet writes about personal law issues because he believes people have a right to know all the facts before making a claim. If you are unsure of how to find a lawyer to help you with your claim, then look no further. Use our free information today to help you get on the right road to making a successful claim. Visit our free mesothelioma news and information website today

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Top Asbestos Attorneys

Asbestos is a mineral made of tough, supple, and flexible fiber. Neither chemicals nor heat have any effect on asbestos. It is widely used in many industries. However, this fiber can be easily inhaled or swallowed. Exposure to asbestos can cause various ailments such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, pleural mesothelioma, and cancer of the larynx, oropharynx, gastrointestinal tract, and kidney. Top attorneys have joined hands with workers, to fight for the safety of workers and against the disastrous effects of asbestos.

Numerous health provisions were incorporated for people affected by the hazards of asbestos. Asbestos is not banned, but laws have been framed to protect workers exposed to the effects of asbestos. Asbestos attorneys protect the rights and provide compensation to the afflicted individuals. The hazardous effects of asbestos have created awareness amongst many citizens.

Asbestos attorneys include a team of specialized and qualified attorneys who represent the applicant. When considering a lawsuit, people need to find a topmost attorney who can handle the case well because they are mostly filed against established companies. These companies may use tactics to deceive the court or cover up some vital information. As the law has included provisions that define the adverse effects of asbestos-related sicknesses, the patient can prove his or her case with the help of medical reports and employment terms and conditions with the defaulting company. The asbestos attorneys help the workers in the recovery of compensation related to medical expenses, loss of job, financial crunches and after effects of the disease.

Top asbestos attorneys have developed the most original, insistent, and dynamic strategies in the nation to protect their client's rights. These attorneys prepare every case for trial rather than rushing to an appeal haggle. This broad preparation and exceptional courtroom reputation actually keeps most cases from trial and produce better results.

Many online sites provide information about asbestos attorneys.

Asbestos Attorneys provides detailed information on Asbestos Attorneys, Asbestos Cancer Attorneys, Asbestos Litigation Attourneys, Asbestos Mesothelioma Attorneys and more. Asbestos Attorneys is affiliated with Asbestos Trial Lawyers.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Asbestos Lawyers And Cancer Laws

Asbestos is believed to be responsible for many diseases including the lung fibrosis disease, which has been named asbestosis. Prolonged exposure to asbestos is also believed to cause an extremely potent form of cancer, in the chest and abdominal cavities, called mesothelioma. This is because of the nature of asbestos, which becomes carcinogenic when inhaled.

Asbestos litigations and lawsuits of the 1980's and 90's forced many state governments to pass amendments and reform bills. For instance, under a reform bill in Texas, it is mandatory for asbestos cases to get neutral medical tests, while Georgia puts the onus on the plaintiff to provide prima facie evidence of the injuries having been caused by asbestos itself through a reform bill.

There are changes and amendments happening regularly and any good asbestos lawyer will be aware of these, as well the most important cancer laws. The most important thing about a cancer lawsuit is that one has to act quickly, because of the statute of limitation imposed by every state that restricts filing for lawsuits beyond a stipulated period.

A qualified asbestos lawyer will also be aware of the implications and know how to deal with the various parties involved, such as the guilty company and the insurance firms that may try negotiating a settlement.

Apart from the compensation for financial losses like medical expenses and loss of employment both present and future, there is also compensation for another kind of suffering. This is for the anxiety and mental stress that is caused by asbestos related diseases. An asbestos lawyer will be well aware of this.

Asbestos Lawyers provides detailed information on Asbestos Lawyers, Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers, Asbestos Trial Lawyers, Asbestos Lawsuits and more. Asbestos Lawyers is affiliated with Asbestos Litigation Attourneys.

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Monday, May 26, 2008

Is Asbestos Killing You?

Asbestos is mined as a dense rock, which easily separates into fine fibers. Asbestos fibers are especially favored as building blocks for various materials because of its strength, temperature resistance and chemical inertness.

Undoubtedly, asbestos has provided mankind with so many uses. However, asbestos comes with accompanying health hazards. Studies show that about 1.3 million people are exposed to asbestos at the workplace. These include people who are working in the construction industry and those in the manufacture of products made of asbestos. Workers in the construction industry are especially exposed to the hazards of asbestos during building demolition and or renovation wherein asbestos products are removed from the site.

Although most of us may have been exposed to asbestos one time or another, illness caused by asbestos exposure is only evident to those people who are regularly exposed to this mineral. Since asbestos fibers are extremely fine, they are easily suspended in the air. Since experts discovered the hazardous effects of asbestos exposure, its use has been regulated from that time on. The use of asbestos in products like imitation logs for gas-burning fireplaces and spackling compound has long been banned in the United States. Asbestos regulation is aimed towards the reduction of asbestos fiber inhalation by workers and other people.

Prolonged exposure to the fine asbestos fibers suspended in the air may result into a form of pneumoconiosis known as asbestosis. Stiff lungs with an excess of scar or fibrous tissue are often the characteristic sign of asbestosis. A person suffering from this disease may find it difficult to breath because of the stiffness in the lungs. Much effort is needed in order to expand the lungs during breathing. Abnormal sounds in the chest may be heard. In some cases, the membrane surrounding the lungs called the pleura may develop calcified plaques. Asbestosis patients will experience shortness in breathing accompanied with dry cough. They may also develop clubbed fingertips with bluish hands and feet due to a deficient supply of oxygen in the blood.

It will take at least 10 years of exposure to asbestos before asbestosis appears. Asbestosis however may worsen once present in the body even when there is no more exposure to the offending substance. It has been observed that construction workers, pipe fitters, shipbuilders and those working in brake lining factories have higher risk of developing asbestosis. Cancer of the lungs is also a possible consequence of a long-term asbestos inhalation. Additionally, cigarette-smoking asbestos workers are four times at greater risk of developing lung cancer than people who are not exposed to asbestos. A rare type of cancer called pleural mesothelioma is also linked to asbestos inhalation. Studies show that about 70% of pleural mesothelioma victims has a history of asbestos exposure.

No treatment has been found to be effective against asbestosis. In lung cancer associated with asbestosis, surgery can be the form of treatment although the general outcome is often poor.

Therefore, in order to prevent any asbestos related diseases, it is important to provide proper dust control in workplaces where asbestos is processed. Studies show that the incidence of lung cancer and other asbestos related illnesses can be significantly reduced through proper dust control and management.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Asbestos

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Friday, May 23, 2008

Mesothelioma Cancer and Asbestos

Many people have never heard of mesothelioma cancer because it is rare. According to the National Cancer Institute, about 2,000 new cases are diagnosed in the United States each year. Compare that to 213,380 lung cancer cases the Institute predicts will be diagnosed in 2007.

Mesothelioma cancer begins in the tissue, called the mesothelieum, that surrounds the lungs, stomach, heart and other organs. The mesothelieum protects these organs with two levels of tissue and a fluid that allows the organs to move. It can be found in the area around any of these organs but is most commonly found in the chest and abdomen area.

Contact with asbestos is the main risk factor. Asbestos can be found in insulation in many buildings. Asbestos can also be found in floor tiles, roofing, dust and rocks.

Most of the use of asbestos in construction products was discontinued after 1989. But the cancer may not be diagnosed until 20 to 50 years after exposure because it takes a long time to develop.

That is why most cases of occur in people in their late 50s and older. According to the American Cancer Society, three-fourths of patients diagnosed are over 65.

Other factors that have been tied to this are:

* Radiation. A material called thorium dioxide that was used in x-rays was found to cause cancer. But this material has not been used for many years.
* Tobacco. Smoking has not been directly associated with this cancer but smoking and asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.
* SV40 Virus. This virus was found in polio vaccines in the mid 50s and early 60s. Since symptoms do not develop for 20 to 50 years, it may be some time before it is known if this virus is a risk factor.

The symptoms vary from person to person based on where the affected tissue is located. The overall symptoms include:

* Shortness of breath
* Chest pain
* Abdominal pain
* Abdominal swelling
* Fever
* Anemia

The treatments vary depending on the patient. Many patients have surgery to remove the lining and tissue that is affected. In severe cases, tissue surrounding the chest, a lung or part of the diaphragm may be removed.

Doctors may recommend that some patients have radiation therapy where high energy rays shrink tumors and kill the affected cells.

Another common treatment, chemotherapy, may be recommended but has not been successful in treating patients with mesothelioma. According to the American Cancer Society, anti-angiogenesis drugs which kill these cells by stopping their blood supply are being considered.

The prognosis for patients is grim because the disease is often advanced by the time it is diagnosed. According to the American Cancer Society, the five year survival rate is about 10 percent. Most patients only survive for a year after diagnosis. New treatments and clinical studies are being conducted to improve the survival rate of patients with mesothelioma cancer.

For more information on cancer try visiting - a website that specializes in providing cancer related information and resources including information on mesothelioma cancer.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Asbestos - Dangers and Diseases

Asbestos has been used for centuries and is not, as some think, a recent product. At one time items made from asbestos were regarded as having an equal value to gold. In fact, it is reputed that Charles the Great, (King of the Franks in the year 768) had a tablecloth made from asbestos. It does have a resistance to fire and heat and has been used over centuries for this practical purpose - from historical uses such as lamp wicks and Egyptian burial shrouds through to modern brake pad linings. It has been used for high temperature wiring insulation as well as in the construction of buildings to insulate and protect against fire.

There are many forms of asbestos but there are three main types, white, brown and blue.

White asbestos: otherwise known as chrysotile is the type preferred in industry. It has a flexible property and has been used in many theatres for fire safety curtains, as well as for firefighter?s protective clothing. Some evidence exists that it is harmful but not as harmful as some other types.

Brown asbestos: also known as amosite, this type usually originates from Africa and is highly bio-hazardous.

Blue asbestos: also known as crocidolite comes from Australia and Africa. This type is believed to be the most dangerous type of asbestos, therefore it is extremely bio-hazardous.

There are other types that someone may come across, some of which include actinolite asbestos, anthophyllite asbestos and tremolite asbestos. These are not as commonly used industrially, but may still be found in some products.

The main danger to health from asbestos is from the fibres, which can be inhaled. The four main diseases associated with asbestos fibre inhalation are asbestosis, mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer and diffuse pleural thickening.

Asbestosis: Caused by inhaling asbestos fibres, generally from heavy exposure. It is defined as lung fibrosis.

Mesothelioma: This is a form of cancer where cancerous or malignant cells are found in the mesothelium. This is the protective sac that most of the body?s organs are covered with. It mainly affects the lining of the lungs, which is known as the pleura and the peritoneum, which surrounds the lower digestive tract. Around 80 percent of cases of mesothelioma show the patient to have had a history of exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos-related lung cancer: For many years now asbestos exposure has been recognised as a high risk factor for the development of lung cancer. It is not possible, however, to put a direct number to the amount of cases of lung cancer, which have been caused by asbestos. This is because there are other risk agents that cause the disease, tobacco smoke for instance. Unfortunately it is not possible to distinguish which risk agent was the cause of a case of lung cancer.

Diffuse pleural thickening: As mentioned previously the pleura is a membrane covering which lines the inside of the rib cage and also surrounds the lungs. If asbestos fibres are inhaled, some may work their way into the pleura and this can lead to scarring and or fibrosis. This may cause the pleura to thicken. The condition will show up on an x-Ray. If this thickening spreads over a large area it may cause a restriction of expansion of the lungs.

It has now become clear that exposure to asbestos can be harmful. Because of this, the use of it has virtually disappeared. If there are products in the home that may contain asbestos, it is advisable to have a professional contractor inspect them. It is a complex process to remove asbestos and should always be done by a qualified person. It can be a highly dangerous and even lethal substance. If in doubt then call someone out.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Asbestos

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Asbestos Encasement

The dangers of asbestos have been known for a very long time and even the companies that made billions off of asbestos products have long since given up defending the virtues of asbestos. Unfortunately, there were way too many years between identifying the dangers of asbestos and getting asbestos pulled off the market but finally new asbestos products have been almost universally banned.

The biggest problem with asbestos today is dealing with the past. People still suffer from mesothelioma and other respiratory problems caused by asbestos. Perhaps an even bigger problem is how to deal with the asbestos that is still out there in older buildings, concrete and insulation. For more than half of the 20th century asbestos was used just about anywhere that required insulation. It was just about everywhere out there - and still is.

Of course the public outcry against asbestos called for the immediate removal of all asbestos anywhere people were exposed to the hazard. However, this is often easier said than done. In all too many cases the biggest expense involved in renovating an older building is dealing with asbestos. Often the expense of totally removing asbestos has prevented renovation of older buildings. Demolishing or renovating old buildings used to be easy but not anymore.

For many years asbestos removal was at a stand still. Those companies that could afford to remove asbestos insulation in their buildings had already done so; often at great expense. Those companies with smaller financial resources usually just left their old buildings alone and delayed dealing with the asbestos. Finally in the 1990s governments started to approve alternate ways of dealing with asbestos in buildings.

Currently there are 3 approved ways of dealing with asbestos in older buildings. Removal is still the preferred way, but is very expensive and not entirely without dangers. Simply getting the asbestos out exposes it to people. The trick and expense in asbestos removal is keeping it out of the air and away from people. An additional problem with asbestos removal is you have to install new insulation and fireproofing, usually fiberglass, to replace the asbestos you are removing.

A second way of dealing with asbestos is called encapsulation. This involves actually building a structure around the asbestos so that it is totally contained. In some cases this is a viable option but usually it is almost as expensive as removal. Many buildings cannot handle the extra weight of the encapsulation structure.

The third way of dealing with asbestos is called encasement. With this procedure a special 2-part coating is sprayed over the asbestos totally preventing exposure to the fibers. The first coat is a primer that binds with the asbestos fibers, holds them in place and also prepares the surface for the second coat. The second coat is the sealer that does just that, totally sealing off the asbestos.

Independent testing of encasement has shown that the final surface is completely safe. There are no airborne fibers or other volatile substances coming off the surface. It is totally harmless. In the field, encasement has proven to be more than 50 percent less expensive compared to removal and can be done in half the time and with much less labor expense. The big drawback with encasement is the asbestos is still there but as long as the building isn't changed or demolished the encasement coating renders the asbestos totally harmless.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Asbestos

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Asbestos and Mesothelioma Cancer Primary Cause

50 years ago asbestos was hailed by many as a miracle product, they said nearly anything could be made from this mineral. It is used as additive to reinforce mortar and plastics. Asbestos fibers can also be separated into fine threads that do not conduct electricity and are unaffected by heat or chemicals.

In the 1970's, following the discoveries of the health dangers of asbestos dust inhalation, the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission prohibited the use of asbestos in several products that could liberate asbestos fibers into the environment during use.

Asbestos can cause dangerous diseases that call Mesothelioma cancer. These fibers lodge themselves in the lining of the lung and infected mesothelium tissue. Asbestos can trigger tumors growth between 30 to 40 years after they are inhaled.

When asbestos fibers enter the body, by either breathing in the tiny asbestos fibers or by swallowing them, they can cause healthy cells to mutate into cancer. Asbestos may also cause coughing, lung damage, and shortness of breath in the short period for inhaled this.

According to one survey, one out of seven general public who came into contact with asbestos may develop any of the poles a part types of asbestos-related cancer, including mesothelioma.

Today it is understood that anyone working with or near asbestos has an increased risk of developing mesothelioma, so there are strictly controlled limits of exposure in the work place. But since the dormancy period of mesothelioma can often be 30 or 40 years, there are millions of workers who are at risk because of their exposure in the decades before the safety controls were put in place.

Dwi Madik is a Webmaster of Mesothelioma Cancer Information site. That brings you Free Mesothelioma Cancer Articles for you who wants to discover all information about this disease.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Quick Information on Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Mesotheliomas is a form of cancer, caused by asbestos exposure, that is inflicting countless americans, many of whom are unaware of its presence. Its name is derived because malignant cells originate in the mesothelium, a protective lining that defends most of the body's internal organs. This infliction can occur in the pleura (outer linings of the lung and chest cavity), but it may also occur in the peritoneum (the lining of the abdominal cavity) or the pericardium (a sac that surrounds the heart). Most people who develop mesotheloimas do so working on job sites where asbestos particles are heavy in the air, usually due to insulation containing asbestos.

Symptoms of mesotheliomas may not appear until up to 25 years after the initial exposure. Many symptoms of perotoneal mesotheliomas include weight loss, cachexia, abdominal swelling, anemia, and fever. Symptoms of pleural mesotheliomas include chest wall pain, pleural effusion, shortness of breath, or a cough. In severe cases, the person may develop malignant tumors, collapsed lung, abdominal pain, ascites, and problems with bowel functions.

Diagnosing mesotheliomas is often difficult, because the symptoms are similar to those of many other conditions. A history of asbestos exposure will increase the probability of mesotheliomas, and extensive chest, CAT, or MRI scan can be performed to identify extensive pleural fluid build up. Treatments for mesothelioma include combinational surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and homeopathy. Many cases of mesotheliomas are due to institutional negligence, where asbestos was used in accordance with erroneus safety regulations.

In the United States, many products and industries were and are rife with asbestos fiber. Asbestos is often present in fireproofing, putty, caulk, gaskets, brake pads and shoes, clutch plates, fire blankets, and stage curtains. If you feel you may have been exposed to asbestos or it is recommended you seek diagnosis.

Bill from

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Asbestos and Government Coverups

The health risks associated with asbestos exposure have been known since the turn of the 20th Century. Dr H. Montague Murray of London, found asbestos fibers in a deceased 33 yr-old asbestos worker in 1900. In 1917, Dr. Henry K. Pancoast of the University of Pennsylvania medical school, found lung scarring in five asbestos-factory workers. Only one year later, an insurance statistician reported that due to the assumed health risks, insurers commonly denied coverage to asbestos...

The health risks associated with asbestos exposure have been known since the turn of the 20th Century. Dr H. Montague Murray of London, found asbestos fibers in a deceased 33 yr-old asbestos worker in 1900. In 1917, Dr. Henry K. Pancoast of the University of Pennsylvania medical school, found lung scarring in five asbestos-factory workers. Only one year later, an insurance statistician reported that due to the assumed health risks, insurers commonly denied coverage to asbestos workers. By the 1930?s, the asbestos manufacturers and their insurance companies knew that the asbestos would kill. In 1934, Aetna insurance company published a textbook in which they devoted a full chapter to asbestos, saying that asbestosis was ?incurable and usually results in total permanent disability followed by death.? (Bowker, pg.18)So now armed with this knowledge, by the time World War II started, the risks of asbestos had been recognized and the industry was starting to slide into decline. The war changed all that. The asbestos industry exploded with the massive production to place asbestos in ships. All prior safety knowledge was promptly forgotten and the asbestos industry boomed again.

There is an ?embarrassing? number of documents that surfaced during the many court cases over the years. These prove the asbestos corporations were well aware of the dangers of asbestos and willfully withheld this information from their employees. Scans of the following documents are available to be read on the Asbestos-Think Again website. Excerpts of these documents show:

In a 1949 document, Exxon admitted that asbestos causes lung cancer, silicosis, fibrosis, and erythema.

In a 1958 National Gypsum Memo ? ?We know that you will never lose sight of the fact that perhaps the greatest hazard in your plant is with men handling asbestos. Because just as certain as death and taxes is the fact that if you inhale asbestos dust you get asbestosis.?

A 1969 Travelers Insurance Co. memo states: ?confidentially Johns-Manville has been contaminating the ?hell? out of both the air and the water for quite some time.

?In 1975, an insurance industry memo summarized non-workplace exposure. Forty percent of homemakers and 50% of blue-collar workers had identifiable asbestos fibers in their lungs at death. The author states, ?It is now found (that) the public in general has been exposed to asbestos products to a far greater degree than previously recognized.?

There was no perceptible change in the outlook of companies until the landmark asbestos lawsuit filed in 1969, Borel vs Fibreboard Products Corporation, which was decided in favor of the plaintiff. It was the first time the country recognized a company?s duty to warn their employees about the dangers of asbestos. There were more than 16Feature Articles,000 asbestos/mesothelioma cases filed in the next 10 years.

Marc has been writing about mesothelioma and asbestos related topics for 12 years. His work is published all over the internet.

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Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 (Asbestos Surveys)

(The New Regulation 4; Duty to Manage Asbestos)

The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations (CAWR) 2002 place a legal duty on anyone with responsibility for the maintenance and repair of non-domestic premises and common areas of rented domestic premises to:-

1) Establish whether asbestos is present and where it is located 2) Assume that asbestos is present unless proved otherwise 3) Record all findings and assumptions 4) Monitor the condition of any asbestos 5) Implement plans to manage the risk from any asbestos 6) Provide information to those in contact with Asbestos

FAQs How does asbestos affect my business?

Commercial buildings built before 1999 are recommended to have an asbestos survey. If you own or occupy any non-domestic premises (including all commercial, public or industrial buildings) or domestic premises that have communal parts (e.g. stairwells, liftshafts, corridors), you need to establish and maintain a register of any asbestos containing materials (ACMS).

Do I need to remove any asbestos containing materials (ACMs)? No, not necessarily. The duty is to manage any risk - in many cases it is often left in situ and it's condition is recorded, monitored and managed.

What was the main use of Asbestos in buildings? SPRAYED COATINGS; on steel works, concrete walls and ceilings, for fire protection & insulation. LAGGING; insulation on pipework boilers & ducts INSULATION BOARDS; in partitions, fire doors & ceiling tiles ASBESTOS CEMENT PRODUCTS; sheeting on walls and roofs, tiles, cold water tanks, gutters, pipes & decorative plaster finishes.

Who is at risk?

Anyone who undertakes work on your behalf at your premises such as plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters and decorators. Even worker's wifes are at risk when cleaning soiled work clothes. "Breathing in Asbestos dust can lead to Asbestos related - diseases" What types of Asbestos are dangerous?

All types of Asbestos have potential to cause lung cancer.

IT ONLY TAKES ONE FIBRE TO KILL so if you require any further information on Asbestos Surveys or any other health and safety issue for free to visit the

David Cant is a qualified Asbestos consultant who owns his own consultancy practice Central Safety consultancy Service Limited operating throughtout the UK. if you have any questions regarding asbestos or any other health and safety issue you can visit and send an email.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Asbestos Lung Disease - Mesothelioma and Asbestosis - Causes and Symptoms

A rare form of cancer, mesothelioma occurs when cancerous cells are discovered in the mesothelium, the protective sac that surrounds most of the body's internal organs. These malignant cells divide and reproduce without control, spreading to and damaging nearby tissues and organs. Mesothelioma cancer cells can also metastasize, or spread from their original starting point, to infect other parts of the body. While most cases of mesothelioma begin in the pleura or peritoneum (in the internal lining of the chest or abdominal areas), mesothelioma can begin elsewhere in the body as well.

Mesothelioma is discovered more commonly in men than in women, though it can appear in both sexes. One of the main risk factors for this form of cancer is its victims having worked with asbestos. Mesothelioma and asbestos exposure seem to go hand-in-hand, with history of exposure is present in roughly 70-80% of all reported cases of Mesothelioma. Unfortunately, asbestos was widely used in a variety of industrial products, ranging from cement to insulation. Its tiny particles float in the air and are easily inhaled or ingested, especially during the manufacturing process. Mesothelioma is just one of many serious ailments that can result from asbestos exposure, and just one of many kinds of cancers that can occur when one is exposed to asbestos for an extended period of time.

Symptoms of mesothelioma vary, but they typically do not appear until roughly 30-50 years after the victims were exposed to the asbestos. Those suffering from this form of cancer often experience shortness of breath, pain in the chest, weight loss, abdominal pain and/or swelling, blood clotting abnormalities, blockages in the bowel, anemia and fever. Symptoms may vary, depending on whether or not the mesothelioma has spread to other parts of the body, but other signs may include difficulty swallowing, pain, or swelling around the face and/or neck.

Unfortunately, mesothelioma is often difficult to diagnose. Many of its symptoms are similar to a vast array of other conditions. Because of this, one of the best ways to diagnose mesothelioma is by reviewing the patient's medical history and inquiring about any history of asbestos exposure. In addition to this, the doctor may perform a complete physical examination and take x-rays of the abdomen and chest, as well as performing lung function tests. Mesothelioma testing sometimes calls for CAT scans or MRI's, taking detailed pictures of different areas within the body. These images are then viewed on a large series of monitors and can be printed out, if needed.

The only true way to confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma is to perform a biopsy, where a surgeon or oncologist removes a small sample of tissue, allowing them to then view it under a microscope and look for cancer cells. If a diagnosis of mesothelioma is made, treatment will then be discussed, dependant on where the cancer is located and at what stage the mesothelioma is at. Some common treatment options include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. In some cases, these different forms of treatment may be combined in order to actively combat the cancer.

Gust A. Lenglet has been an accountant and financial advisor for many years. He is President and CEO of HBS Financial Group, Ltd. and offers online tax filing through his many web sites. He is also an accomplished author in the tax, legal, and education fields.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment - Asbestos Kills

Mesothelioma cancer is a disease that results from exposure to asbestos related substances. Asbestos usually consists of fibres that can enter the body through the mouth, or the skin, and, subsequently, enter the lungs, or blood stream.

Mesothelioma cancer has become more widely documented in the last 5-10 years, due to the fact that symptoms of asbestos cancer can take between 20 to 40 years to manifest. Mesothelioma cancer is hard to diagnose, as the symptoms do not tend to manifest themselves until the later stages of the disease. Symptoms of mesothelioma lung cancer include shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and other secondary illnesses such as pneumonia.

Asbestos cancer most often develops in men between the ages of 50 to 70 years who were exposed to high levels of asbestos in the workplace. Asbestos was mainly used in manufacturing industries such as automotive and ship building as well as in the construction industry. The use of asbestos was only recently banned in the 1990's.

Mesthelioma lung cancer has been found to be the most common form of mesothelioma cancer and it develops in the lining of the lung (pleural). Mesothelioma cancer can also develop in the abdominal area (peritoneal) and around the heart (pericardial). There is a greater chance of malignancy in abdominal asbestos cancer. For a more detailed explanation of mesothelioma cancer, visit

Mesothelioma lung cancer can be detected through a CT scan which enables it to be sometimes diagnosed earlier than the other two types of mesothelioma cancer. The type of mesothelioma cancer treatment will depend on the stage at which the cancer was diagnosed, the age of the patient as well as personal preferences. The disease can be divided into four separate stages. The stage in the disease process that is reached will determine the method of mesothelioma cancer treatment. At the first stage when the tumour is confined to the lining of the lungs, surgeons may try to remove the entire tumour surgically. Once the tumour has invaded the surrounding body tissues in the later stages, it is not curable.

Conventionally, the more advanced stages of mesothelioma cancer are treated with either radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy utilizes high-energy x-rays to destroy cancerous cells and shrink tumours Chemotherapy, on the other hand, uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. The aim of these mesothelioma cancer treatments is to prolong the patient's life as the disease cannot be cured in the more advanced stages.

In addition to these conventional mesothelioma cancer treatments, there are also various experimental treatments currently under investigation which offer new hope.

Immunotherapy: This form of biological therapy for mesothelioma cancer treatment uses the patient's own immune system to attack the cancerous cells. Clinical studies have shown that the immune system is able to distinguish healthy cells from cancer cells, and can therefore be used to destroy those cancerous cells.

Gene Therapy: This form of mesothelioma cancer treatment is very much still in the developmental stages. The process involves injecting a specific gene straight into the tumour. This gene renders the cancer cells sensitive to the antiviral drug glanciclovir which under normal circumstances is not effective against these cells. The glanciclovir is then able to destroy all the cancer cells without harming the healthy tissue cells.

Drug Therapy: The drug Alimta is the only chemotherapy drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)for the treatment of patients with malignant mesothelioma lung cancer . This new and exciting drug has been demonstrated in clinical trials to reduce symptoms and increase the life expectancy of patients.

Photodynamic Therapy: Photodynamic therapy involves the use of light to destroy cancer cells. The patient first is first administered a photosensitizing drug that only collects in cancerous cells. Fibre-optic cables are then inserted in the body in order to focus light of a certain frequency on the tumour. The light stimulates the photosensitizing drug to produce toxic oxygen molecules that destroy the cancerous cells.

These experimental mesothelioma cancer treatments, although still in the developmental stages, offer cancer victims the prospect of a better and longer life. With the likelihood of an increase in the number of people diagnosed with asbestos cancer, further research into other forms of mesothelioma cancer treatment is vital.

Note to Publishers: You may freely republish this article as is, without editing or modification, and all links must be kept live. The author, Gregory De Villiers, writes on a variety of health and wellness topics. For more information on mesothelioma cancer as well as asbestos litigation, visit

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mesothelioma Cancer - News and Information For Mesothelioma and Asbestos Cancer Victims

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body?s internal organs. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles.

Mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium) is a disease in which cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancer cells can also metastasize (spread) from their original site to other parts of the body. Most cases of mesothelioma begin in the pleura or peritoneum.

There are three primary types of malignant mesotheliomas:

Epithelioid. About 50% to 70% of mesotheliomas are of this type and have the best outlook for survival.

Sarcomatoid. Approximately 7% to 20% of cases are of this type.

Mixed/biphasic. From 20% to 35% of mesothelioma cases fall into this category.

Although reported incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer. About 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age.

Mesothelioma News

NEW A Fight for Life: Author Describes Family's Asbestos Tragedy Friday | Earth Times Romantics will enjoy the love story and bittersweet conclusion of "A Story Worth Telling: An Asbestos Tragedy" , a new book by Rebecca Albarado. read more ?

Radiation To Healthy Lung Associated With Pulmonary-Related Death Monday Oct 30 | Medical News Today Main Category: Lung Cancer News Article Date: 30 Oct 2006 - 5:00am printer friendly view or write opinions A new study reveals that fatal pulmonary-related events following radiation therapy are associated with ... read more ?

Granddaughter wins payout over asbestos fibres 23 hrs ago | The News MICHELLE Campbell and her granddad were always fond of each other.... more>> Elderly patients moved after flood hits twice Elderly patients were moved in the middle of the night after a burst water main flooded ... read more ?

Website provides helpful information about when to go to Emergency Room The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) offers a website that provides helpful information to the public, including tips to help decide when a patient should go to the emergency room. If you have any of the following symptoms, the website recommends a visit to the emergency room: more ?

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Asbestos Dust the Silent Killer

Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002, Asbestos Surveys The New Regulation 4; Duty to Manage Asbestos The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 place a legal duty on anyone with responsibility for the maintenance and repair of commercial premises and common areas of rented domestic premises to

1. Establish whether asbestos is present and where it is located
2. Assume that asbestos is present unless proved otherwise
3. Record all findings and assumptions
4. Monitor the condition of any asbestos
5. Implement plans to manage the risk from any asbestos
6. Provide information to those in contact with Asbestos

FAQs How does asbestos affect my business?

Commercial buildings built before 1999 are recommended to have an asbestos survey. If you own or occupy any commercial premises including all, public or industrial buildings or domestic premises that have communal parts example stairwells, lift shafts, corridors, you need to establish and maintain a register of any asbestos containing materials.

Do I need to remove any asbestos containing materials? No, not necessarily. The duty is to manage any risk in many cases it is often left in place and it?s condition is recorded, monitored and managed.

What was the main use of Asbestos in buildings? Sprayed Coatings on steel works, concrete walls and ceilings, for fire protection & insulation. LAGGING; insulation on pipework boilers & ducts Insulation Boards in partitions, fire doors & ceiling tiles Asbestos cement products sheeting on walls and roofs, tiles, cold water tanks, gutters, pipes & decorative plaster finishes.

Who is at risk? Anyone who undertakes work on your behalf at your premises such as plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters and decorators. Even worker?s wives are at risk when cleaning soiled work clothes.

Breathing in Asbestos dust can lead to Asbestos related diseases

What types of Asbestos are dangerous? All types of Asbestos have potential to cause lung cancer. It only takes one fibre to kill

About The Author David Grahan is Asbestos surveyor who owns his own consultancy practice Central Safety consultancy Service Limited operating throught out the UK. if you have any questions regarding asbestos or any other health and safety issue please our website

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A Quick Guide to Asbestos and Health Issues

Unless you have been completely out of touch, you have probably heard all the hubbub about the dangers of asbestos. So, what is the big deal?

A Quick Guide to Asbestos and Health Issues

Asbestos is a fibrous material that is highly resistant to burning. It has a long history. While it was first used on a large scale commercial basis at the turn of the twentieth century, it has actually been around much longer. In fact, the ancient Egyptians were known for using it burial clothes.

Common modern applications used to include building materials, products and automobile brake pads, which all required a fire resistant element. Asbestos is still used today, but on a fairly small scope. The reason has everything to do with health. Asbestos in and of itself is not harmful to people. What is harmful, however, is asbestos dust.

Asbestos dust is a vicious thing. Due to the chemical makeup of the material, the dust is like a cloud of fine glass particles. While they will not damage your skin, they do great damage to the lungs. Making matters worse, asbestos dust is so fine that it is easily raised from asbestos material like ceiling tiles and walls. Once in the air, it is all but invisible. Prolonged exposure, such as when working on or in a building with asbestos materials, can result in massive amounts of the toxic dust entering the lungs.

Once asbestos dust is in your lungs, you cannot expel it by coughing. That doesn't mean the body does not try. Asbestosis is scarring of the lungs from acid created by the body in an effort to get the asbestos dust out. If this process is allowed to occur for 10 to 20 years, the lungs may stop functioning because of excess scarring. If that sounds bad, it only gets worse. Asbestos dust can lead to terminal cancer in the form of mesothelioma. [What is Mesothelioma?]

Asbestos is an excellent fire resistant material that saves us from burning while killing us in a much slower manner. Since 1989, it has been banned in the United States in all but a few commercial areas.

Gerard Simington is with - offering asbestos and mesothelioma legal information.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Asbestos Lung Cancer Treatment & Mesothelioma Information

Doctor appointments are critical to make sure you?re staying in proper health. However, exposure to asbestos presents an added urgency for routine appointments. Because asbestos related diseases take decades to form, early detection is critical for proper treatment. People who have jobs in industries like construction, shipbuilding and manufacturing are particularly susceptible of contracting these conditions.

Even with the best screening techniques available today mesothelioma often can escape diagnosis. The best thing to do is get screened early and consistently, especially if you had exposure to asbestos. Medical technology has breakthroughs every day and eventually a cure will be found. However, until then, the victims of mesothelioma should take action against those responsible. Contact a lawyer in your state today so you can receive compensation for your suffering.

The affected areas from mesothelioma cancer are the lining of the internal organs in the body. Because of the location of the infected cells, mesothelioma does not respond well to conventional treatments unlike most other forms of cancer. In addition, there are no blatant symptoms of the disease, so doctors cannot properly diagnose the illness until it?s significantly advanced. Because of these factors, the effectiveness of many conventional treatments are limited.

When treating mesothelioma, doctors use several treatment options. Surgery, radiation treatments and chemotherapy have been traditional options for slowing the growth of cancerous cells. Doctors dealing with mesothelioma have to plan an innovative method of attack to combat this condition. New treatments like angiogenesis, photodynamic and gene therapy hold new hope for victims of mesothelioma everywhere. Depending on the state and location of the cancer, doctors will choose the best course of action for the circumstances. If it?s discovered early enough, doctors can prolong the life of the victim, but sadly cannot cure the disease.

The three main types of malignant mesotheliomas are epithelioid, sarcomatoid and mixed/biphasic. Epithelioid is the most common kind as around 50-70% of all mesothelioma cases reported are this type. Epithelioid also has the best chances of survival. It affects the internal organs and internal surfaces coverings. Sarcomatoid is a much more serious condition as it affects the secondary tissues in the body such as cartilage, muscles, bone and fat. However, this cancer is much rarer, as it only occurs 7-20% of the time. Mixed/biphasic is having both types of the cancer at once, and this makes up 20-35% of the occurrences.

There are three targeted areas that mesothelioma can affect. Pleural mesothelioma affects the pleural cavity around the lungs and is responsible for a majority 75% of all cases diagnosed. Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for 10-20% of all cases and affects the tissues in the abdomen (especially the stomach and intestines). Pericardial mesothelioma is the rarest form which affects the sac and lining surrounding the heart.

To learn more about known asbestos worksites, who gets mesothelioma or photodynamic therapy for mesothelioma, please visit our website. This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Peritoneal Mesothelioma - Asbestos Lung Cancer & Side Effects

When a group of cells mutates uncontrollably and starts invading and killing healthy cells, this is called cancer. In certain areas of the body where cells reproduce rapidly there tends to be a greater chance of risk because one cancer cell can multiply exponentially in a very quick period of time. Most cancers are caused by external stimuli and mesothelioma is no different. Mesothelioma cancer is caused by exposure to carcinogens such as asbestos.

Mesothelioma is an extremely nasty and permanent cancer that infects the membrane surrounding most internal organs. It is also a very subtle form of cancer providing only a few noticeable symptoms until it becomes extremely advanced. The most common type of mesothelioma is called pleural mesothelioma. It causes shortness of breath and/or chronic coughing that can easily be mixed up with allergies or a common cold. In many cases mesothelioma is discovered by accident when patients are looking into these symptoms. Other symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include:

Pleural mesothelioma represents 75% of mesothelioma cases - but it is far from the only type of this deadly cancer. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the lining around the stomach and intestines, and is just as dangerous and deadly. Common symptoms include:
? Weight loss - but waist may increase in size.
? Pain or swelling in the abdomen - fluid retention or tumor growth.
? Bowel obstruction - blockage in the small or large intestine.
? Anemia - a reduction in the number of red blood cells to below normal; this forces the heart and other organs to work harder to get oxygen where it's needed.
? Fever
Usually, the first test run by a doctor will use a device called a thorascope. The procedure is called thorascopy and is done by creating a small incision in the chest, and taking a sample of lung tissue to see if it?s cancerous or not. This procedure is performed at a hospital using local anesthesia and will cause a small amount of pain. There will also be a check for an excess amount of fluid which may be drained to ease the pressure and reduce pain.

If these tests are inconclusive, there will be more advanced test performed such as a Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scan to give doctors a 3D X-ray of the tissues. This will allow the doctors to analyze the potentially damaged areas. Another option is an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging scan). An MRI will take cross-section pictures of internal structures to separate healthy tissues from malignant ones. These two scans will allow doctors to be able and see potential dangers long before the patient feels any symptoms.

To learn more about asbestos related diseases, drug therapy for mesothelioma or gene therapy for mesothelioma, please visit our website. This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Asbestos in the Home - Mesothelioma Cancer

Asbestos is one of the world?s oldest known and most versatile building and construction materials. The Ancient Greeks and Romans wove the fibrous strands of asbestos into clothing, and used larger amounts of the heat-and-flame-resistant material in their numerous metalworking and ceramic processes, which many eminent historians believe directly contributed to their rise to world dominance. Unfortunately, ancient scholars noted that the slaves and workers exposed to asbestos tended to die of breathing difficulties relatively early for a time when 40 years old was considered elderly.

Flash forward 3,000 years, and the industrial processes that fueled the empires of Greece and Rome have been updated to the large scale production means of the tail end of the Industrial Revolution of Western Europe and the United States. Asbestos was used on a wide scale in virtually any product that needed to endure heat, or any product that needs a strong, flexible, and durable material. The asbestos industry was not ignorant of the learning of millennia past; rather they chose to ignore the problems their workers or the public might have.

After the Second World War asbestos soon made its way into virtually every building in the United States. And why not? According the asbestos industry, it was extremely versatile and lacked any appreciable dangers and risks. Children played in the quarries where it was mined, millions of new homeowners requested it for insulation in their new houses, and hundreds of thousands of war workers could look back in pride that the asbestos they installed into ships, planes, and other vessels helped save countless lives during the fight against Japan and Germany.

Unfortunately, the truth about asbestos soon became clear. Vermiculite, a type of asbestos found in millions of homes across the country as a soil additive, insulation, packing material, plaster, and concrete was discovered to be a dangerous and potentially deadly material. Other types of asbestos soon became targeted by health experts, but it would take a few more decades to discover the real truth about asbestos: that the industry was making billions of dollars without regard to the health or safety of the people exposed to it.

Now, these same people are fighting back against the same companies who put their profits ahead of innocent people?s lives. Thousands of new asbestos lawsuits are filed each year, and the average verdict or settlement for a mesothelioma, asbestosis, or lung cancer case usually ranges from $750,000 and $8 million. People once injured by these callous and uncaring companies are now fighting for their rights.

To learn more about asbestos in the home, mesothelioma holistic healing or chemotherapy for mesothelioma, please visit our website. This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

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Asbestosis, Asbestos and Types of Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

The three main types of malignant mesotheliomas are epithelioid, sarcomatoid and mixed/biphasic. Epithelioid is the most common kind as around 50-70% of all mesothelioma cases reported are this type. Epithelioid also has the best chances of survival. It affects the internal organs and internal surfaces coverings. Sarcomatoid is a much more serious condition as it affects the secondary tissues in the body such as cartilage, muscles, bone and fat. However, this cancer is much rarer, as it only occurs 7-20% of the time. Mixed/biphasic is having both types of the cancer at once, and this makes up 20-35% of the occurrences.

Like all other types of cancer, mesothelioma is incurable. Although doctors and scientists have made a great deal of progress for diagnosing and treating these malignancies, there is still no current way to completely get rid of it.

The affected areas from mesothelioma cancer are the lining of the internal organs in the body. Because of the location of the infected cells, mesothelioma does not respond well to conventional treatments unlike most other forms of cancer. In addition, there are no blatant symptoms of the disease, so doctors cannot properly diagnose the illness until it?s significantly advanced. Because of these factors, the effectiveness of many conventional treatments are limited.

Even the best doctors in the world mistake early symptoms of asbestos related diseases with lesser conditions. Detection of mesothelioma relies mostly on associating proper symptoms with proper diagnosis because it is so subtle. If you have had exposure to asbestos, then you should alert your doctor of your medical history so they know what tests to look for and what tests to use.

High risk groups such as asbestos and construction workers must undergo frequent check-ups to monitor any conditions leading to mesothelioma. Because this cancer is so deadly, early diagnosis and treatment can help prolong life, but the mortality rate is usually 100% within five years.

Regardless of the type, mesothelioma is fatal. Survival rates are usually only 1-5 years after diagnosis. If you or a loved one has been affected by mesothelioma, you may have the legal right to seek compensation for your suffering.

To learn more about mesothelioma cancer centers, cancer cell types and pericardinal mesothelioma, please visit our website. This article may be freely reprinted as long as this resource box is included and all links stay intact as hyperlinks.

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Asbestos - The Fiber Disease

Ongoing exposure to asbestos fibres leaves a permanent mark on the lungs of a person. It causes scarring of the lung tissue. Exposure is exposure; it is not that less exposure is acceptable ? asbestos exposure in any measure can cause lung cancer. Illnesses do not always happen with our knowledge. There are many kinds of illnesses that catch us off-guard; most of them often air-borne, resulting from the air we inhale.

The importance of fresh, pure air is indeed often underestimated. Interestingly, even the presence of a relatively small (not to mention, invisible) mineral fibre in the air that we breathe is sufficient to render damage to our health. Asbestos is one such mineral. Asbestos, which is known for its heat and acid resistance and is very strong, can dangerously affect us. When it ages, asbestos begins to break and the fibres find their way into the air that we inhale, thereby making it deadly.

The fibres enter the lungs and stay there for the life of him. This disease is called asbestosis or mesothelioma. It takes about 20 to 40 years for asbestos symptoms to surface. Sadly, all those who get asbestosis die ? the death rate is 100% - there is no cure to it.

All kinds of asbestos are carcinogens. Children are particularly prone to get asbestosis or mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos. Products like floor tiles, ceiling tiles, sprayed on texture ceilings, pipe wrappings, boiler insulation, fire proofing, roof tiles, roof tar and heaters have asbestos in them.

Since it is extensively used in building constructions, people working in the mining, pipefitting, shipbuilding etc are likely to be infected. In the beginning, the individual may only experience a chronic dry cough which may eventually lead to shortness of breath and chest pain. Mesothelioma affects the lining of the lungs and abdomen. An estimated 80% of mesothelioma patients have a long history of asbestos exposure. Importance should be given on the identification of genetic risk factors for harmful mesothelioma. The toxic fibres that lead to cancer can be a result of mechanical effects such as interference during chromosome segregation, generation of reaction, oxygen species and local and systemic immunosuppression.

The patient may also feel severe stabbing pains in the chest or abdomen. Its symptoms often occur after 35-50 years of contact with asbestos. If an individual displays any symptoms of mesothelioma, they should see a doctor immediately. It is diagnosed through a chest X-ray, complete blood count, biopsy or a thoracotomy. Sadly, asbestosis or mesothelioma is incurable. It is always best to keep a trace of your detailed history of work activities or any other exposure to toxic dusts as it could be years before that one is affected by it. Wearing clothes of a person who has worked with asbestos is not advisable as you could inhale it through the clothes.

Everyone who comes in contact with asbestos does not get lung disease and cancer. It is diagnosed only when your history of exposure fits into it or an indicative chest X-ray and physical findings or symptoms of debilitating lung fibrosis are observed. If you work in an environment which requires you to work with asbestos, it is very essential to take as many recommended safety precautions as possible. Make sure you wear approved face masks and breathing instruments because they filter out the asbestos fibres. Be very careful when working with asbestos ? it can take away your life.

See to it that all the area of your body is covered. Sometimes work place may not only be the means through which the disease develops in you. It could even happen in your home or on the street. You could also be exposing yourself to asbestos without knowing. Since most buildings are products of this fibre, you never know when you are coming into contact with this deadly mineral. Though there is no permanent cure to it, there are treatments done for asbestos-related diseases. They include infection treatment, vaccination and standard cancer treatments.

The basic aim of the treatments is to fill the lungs with oxygen making it difficult for the fibres to continue their dangerous activities. Those prone to asbestos-related diseases should give up smoking if they are smokers. Those suffering from mesothelioma have a number of various treatment options. However, the most common kind of treatment is surgery. Here, the doctors try to take off as much of the cancer as possible.

Palliative surgery is done if the disease is diagnosed to be in its late stages. This one is used to control the symptoms as the fluids in the lung gather or the tumour may be pressing against the lung walls. Another form of treatment is radiation which works by firing high energy X-ray at the tumour. It is used to kill cancer cells and shrink the tumour. However, there are side affects to this, such as vomiting, nausea, and general fatigue.

The author, Chris Freville, has many more tips and advice on asbestos lung cancer and mesothelioma

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to Safely Remove Asbestos Floor Tiles

Asbestos! It's a strong fire-resistant fiber which was widely used in the past for fireproofing and insulation purposes. The problem with it is that is has these small, buoyant fibers which can easily be inhaled or swallowed by people. These damaging particles have been proven to cause a number of very serious diseases which including asbestosis, (which is a chronic disease of the lungs that makes breathing extremely difficult), and cancers. So, it's little wonder then why folks are concerned when removing asbestos floor tiles from older buildings.

Vinyl floor tiles contain asbestos (vinyl, asbestos tile - VAT) and should be handled with extreme care when being removed. The first rule is to ensure the material is in non-friable state. Asbestos is considered non-friable when the material CANNOT be reduced to dust by hand pressure. Non-friable asbestos can become friable should the tile(s) be damaged or smashed, which could mean these harmful fibers may be freed.

Removing these tiles is no easy picnic. To start with, you will need to wear protective gear such as a respirator and safety glasses which will result in harder breathing and poorer vision. The removal of VAT has to be done in whole pieces so as to keep the material in a non-friable state. This means that it is not safe to grind, saw or drill to assist removal.

In most states, asbestos must only be removed by licensed asbestos abatement contractors who are fully equipped and educated in the safe removal and disposal of such materials. They will usually come armed with plastic sheets to stop the particles from moving freely. VAT's are usually wetted down too, so as to prevent any particles from becoming airborne during the removal process.

Safely removing asbestos floor tiles is a serious business and they are usually placed in leak proof containers and marked clearly with wording similar to "DANGER ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIALS"

Once removal has been accomplished, the sealed containers are transported by the authorized agent to an EPA approved landfill site where it gets buried. There are formalities and administrative procedures necessary to record the job at hand, and the relevant authorities are presented with the appropriate documents for filing upon completion.

It is NOT recommended to attempt the removal of VAT yourself and there are probably penalties if you try to and get found out. Also, the waste product needs to be disposed of safely and cannot simply be dumped with your local trash.

For more detailed information and procedures regarding the safe removal of asbestos products, search online or contact your local authorities for an up to date fact sheet.

Andy Maingam writes articles for the website Floors for folks dot com where he has pieces on the stunning marble floor tiles and the benefits of Radiant floor heating. He also has other pieces on the site related to floor coverings and treatments.

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Asbestos In Your Home -- Don't Give Your Kids Cancer

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a mineral fibre that is known for its heat resistance and strength. It is also very resistant to acid. Asbestos can only positively be identified under a microscope, however, asbestos in the home and workplace is very easy to identify. As asbestos ages it starts to crumble and break, the fibres which are deadly are then released into the air and breathed in.

What Illnesses are caused by Asbestos?

The tiny fibres that are released by the asbestos penetrate deeply into the lungs and remain in the individuals lungs for the rest of their lives. Constant or regular exposure to high does of asbestos fibres can cause scarring of the lung tissue and respiratory disease asbestosis. Exposures to low amounts of asbestos are still highly dangerous and can cause lung cancer. Direct contact with asbestos can also cause Mesothelioma ? a form of cancer exclusively linked to asbestos exposure. Symptoms of asbestos exposure usually take 20 ? 40 years to develop and 100% of cases are fatal. All types of asbestos cause cancer and all types of asbestos cancers can kill. Children are especially prone to developing cancer after exposure to asbestos.

What Products Contain Asbestos?

- Floor Tiles

- Ceiling Tiles

- Sprayed on Textures Ceilings

- Wrapping For Pipes

- Boiler Insulation

- Fire Proofing ? Surfaces and Similar

- Roof Tiles

- Roof Tar

- Heaters ? Gas & Electric

What To Do If You Suspect You Are In Contact With Asbestos

Should you discover or suspect that you have asbestos in any part of your home or business you need to make a decision based on the amount of exposure and the condition of the asbestos. The most important factor is the general condition of the asbestos. If it is crumbling or broken it must be removed immediately as it will be releasing deadly asbestos fibres into the surrounding area. You must not remove the asbestos yourself. The asbestos needs to be removed and disposed by a properly qualified and protected individual. Call your local government office or council immediately and seek advice on recognised companies that can remove the asbestos safely.

If you are a home owner or a tenant you must make arrangements immediately to have the asbestos encapsulated or removed. You are liable for any person who develops cancer as a result of exposure in your home.

Asbestos Awareness Training
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Anthony Gregory is research writer and website promoter, he is available for hire. please contact him at sales(at)brilliantseo(dot)com

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