Friday, February 29, 2008

Is Asbestos killing your family?

Mesothelioma is one of the worst diseases known to man, the average life expectancy is less than two years once the disease is diagnosed. Thousands of people every year are diagnosed with Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a Cancer that attacks the lining of the lungs and has a direct link to people who have come into direct contact with asbestos.

Mesothelioma is also known as Asbestos Cancer, it strikes many, many thousands of people across the world every year. Over three thousand people are diagnosed in the United States every year. Once a person is diagnosed with Mesothelioma they are usually dead within two years.

The people who are most likely to contract Mesothelioma are usually labourers who have worked in factories, in mines, in manufacturing facilities or have continually been in contact with Asbestos or Asbestos Dust.

Mesothelioma symptoms include: Shortness of Breath, Repetitive Coughing and painful chest and abdomen. Occasionally the patient my feel severe stabbing pains in the chest or abdomen. Mesothelioma symptoms usually only surface 35 - 50 years after Asbestos contact. However, if an individual displays symptoms of Mesothelioma they should consult a doctor immediately.

Mesothelioma is usually diagnosed through a chest X-Ray, Complete Blood Count, Biopsy or a Thoracotomy.

There are a number of different treatment options for people suffering from mesothelioma. The most common form of treatment is surgery, where doctors will try to remove as much of the Cancer as possible.

Palliative surgery is used when the disease is in a more advanced stage.It is used to relive or control symptoms where there is an accumulation of fluid in the lung or the tumour is pressing against the lung wall.

Radiation is used to kill cancer calls and shrink tumours, it works by firing high energy X-Rays at the tumour. Radiation has a few side effects, such as Vomiting, Nausea and general fatigue.

Chemotherapy is another way of treating mesothelioma cancer. Chemotherapy does not show a good success rate when it comes to treating mesothelioma cancer, the response rate is around 15%.

It's important to come to term with your cancer, by doing so will make your life more enjoyable by not living in anger, fear or sadness.

There are many groups that offer support to people living with mesothelioma cancer, ask your doctor first.

Anthony Gregory Helps to promote the following Sites:

Asbestos Survey
car insurance UK

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Asbestos, a naturally occurring complex silicate, was extensively used in many industries, including insulation in ship building, manufacture of brake linings, and automobiles. Asbestos is a common name given to a group of six fibrous minerals which have their existence in two general forms, friable and non-friable. The friable Asbestos gets crumbled to its most hazardous powder form even on the application of hand pressure. It is comparatively difficult to crumble non-friable Asbestos to powder form. However, in a highly damaged condition, non-friable Asbestos gets crumbled to powder on application of even minimal pressure. The dry powders of non-friable Asbestos or friable Asbestos are hazardous to human health, and therefore are required to be handled with caution, packaged with care and disposed of with conformity.

In recent times, in the United States, strict measures have been taken for the preventive control of exposure of these hazardous materials to the industrial workers. Workplace exposure limits for Asbestos fibers longer than 5 micrometers have been set. It should, however, be considered that Asbestos, being a carcinogen in humans, has no safe level of exposure.

The toxic effects induced by Asbestos inhalation include desquamating alveolitis, bronchiolitis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Other more serious health ailments caused by Asbestos exposure include pleural effusion, pleural plaques, pleural calcification, and mesothelioma (a highly malignant disease).

Asbestos lawyers are the lawyers that specialize in the cases dealing specifically with the hazardous effects induced by Asbestos exposure. They work in the area of law and bring home justice in the form of compensation to those who have damaged their health, because of Asbestos in the present and/or past environment. Asbestos litigation is a multi-billion dollar industry of lawyers and law firms specializes in provision of compensation to people suffering/suffered from mesothelioma and/or other serious Asbestos-related health ailments.

Since recent times, this element of danger has always been the target of benefit by the fraudulent people with interest in monetary gain by wrong means. However, not all cases filed in law are unreal, and not all provided with compensation are undeserving.

Asbestos provides detailed information on asbestos, asbestos and mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos exposure and more. Asbestos is affliated with Lung Cancer Stages

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Asbestos Disposal

Asbestos and asbestos disposal is one of the world's most controversial topics and one of the highest risk management portfolios. A resident of Ohio was fined $22,600, ordered to perform 208 hours of community service and was sentenced to 13 months imprisonment on 21 Feb 2002 for violating the Clean Air Act. Daniel had improperly disposed 469 bags of asbestos waste thereby causing a grave danger to public health. Condition of Asbestos is a major factor in its disposal, depending on the condition; we can divide asbestos into two major groups.

1. Friable - that which can crumble by hand pressure such as insulation, and

2. Non -friable - that which will not crumble under hand pressure such as asbestos sheets in good condition.

If the asbestos is in a non-friable condition, we can leave it as it is. Safety will further improve by painting the surface and edges with a sealing paint that will not allow fibers to escape. Smoothening the edges or surface will release fibers and is dangerous.

Friable asbestos has significant risk of breaking up during handling and needs special care. You should seek adequate advice on asbestos disposal before disposing this dangerous contaminant.

Following is some general advice on asbestos disposal: * If you are unsure whether your appliance contains asbestos, it is best to contact the manufacturer directly and ask. Giving the model and year of manufacture would help. * Ask for specialist advice on asbestos disposal if your appliances contain asbestos. * You can use the yellow pages to locate manufacturers and people offering asbestos disposal services and advice. Disposing small quantities of household asbestos is straight forward, but if quantities are large then consults professional disposal agents. They will observe all laws and will dispose the asbestos in authorized sites only. * The key element of the disposal process lies in ensuring that fibers do not separate and fly into the air. Towards this end, experts advise that we dispose asbestos on a humid and a calm day and reduce the numbers of people involved to the bare minimum. Any dismantling of structures would provide opportunity for the fiber to separate and fly. * While dismantling, keep the asbestos sheet wet with soap water to reduce dust and fiber. * After separating the asbestos, you should pack it in heavy gauge plastic sheets. Smaller pieces can be stored in two layers of polythene bags. * Any residual dust or small pieces can be picked up using a wet cloth and stored in double plastic packets. You should use similar disposal method for clothes used in the asbestos removal process.

As mentioned above, as long as we observe common sense precautions in accordance with advice on asbestos disposal and ensure that fibers do not contaminate surroundings and the quantities involved are small, there is no danger of running foul of the Law. However, it is essential that we are aware of the "Clean Air Act" and similar laws before disposing of large quantities of asbestos. Author: Jenny Gill is an international author with vast experience in a diverse range of subjects, for more information visit

Jenny Gill is an international author with an immense range of knowledge and skills in a wide range of areas. Jenny is a mother and a grandmother and devotes a lot of her time supporting the aged in her community

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Mesothelioma Legislation: The Fight Against Asbestos

In the eve of last century, asbestos was considered the ideal construction material. It was resistant to fire, isolated electricity conduction was easy to use and above was, was very inexpensive. But problems rose when asbestos was proved to produce fatal diseases when inhaled. One of them is mesothelioma.

This dreadful mesothelioma has taken hundreds of thousands of lives throughout the years. Lives of hard working men that have families. Men that work to bring food on the table for their children and wives. Men that return home covered in asbestos dust and not knowing how lethal it is, hug their children and kiss them good night. Men that were infected with asbestos lung mesothelioma not even knowing what mesothelioma is.

General Statistics

You would think that a mesothelioma legislation would be created in order to ban the horrific use of asbestos. However, The Environmental Protection Agency has still not banned the use of asbestos. In September 2004, the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine said that 1.3 million US workers in construction sites are in danger of obtaining pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma from asbestos inhaling.

Although is hasn't been banned, many lawsuits have been filed against the asbestos producing companies since 1929. As a result more than 25 of the richest companies in the US that produced asbestos filed bankruptcy because of all the compensations they had to pay to their mesothelioma diseased workers; one man winning a record of $2.3 million.

Litigation Reaction

Much is being made by the US congress in order to find a common ground between the thousands of plaintiffs and the defending companies. Such as considering legislation act "Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005". This would create a $140 billion trust fund in order to meet civil litigations that would compensate the victims with the malignant mesothelioma.

After certain events in his life, Ermenegildo Billar has dedicated years of his life to understanding and helping people with the malignant mesothelioma. For your comfort he decided to create so you can have easy access to his research.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

Mesothelioma: A Cancer Which Is Caused Due To Exposure To Asbestos

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which is generally caused due to the exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a critical form of cancer which generally affects the lungs of the human organism. Mostly those people who are very much prone to the exposure of asbestos in their day to day life will lead to get affected by Mesothelioma. In this consideration, mostly, the labors in the industrial and in the construction firm get affected by Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is virtually caused due to the exposure to asbestos, which generally gets into one?s body through tiny dust like particles which floats in the air in the process of inhaling.

Symptoms of mesothelioma are many and varied. The most common sign or symptom of Mesothelioma is lack of proper inhaling, continuous coughing, constant pain in the chest, etc. In addition to this, loss of weight, swelling of the abdomen, fever and anemia are also some other Mesothelioma symptoms. Mesothelioma is a very rare form of cancer and hence the proper diagnosis of it cannot be enhanced due to the different symptoms that crop up in Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma can be treated in various ways. The most common and the basic form of Mesothelioma treatment is through surgery. The surgery will help in the removal of the affected lining of the body organs whether it be in the chest, abdomen or in the neck. Another popular form of Mesothelioma treatment is the radiation therapy. This radiation therapy or radiotherapy is implied in order to kill the cancer affects cell areas.

Mesothelioma thus becomes a deadly disease when no remedial measures are taken to overcome it and when exposure to asbestos is not controlled. But at present, there are various Mesothelioma law firms which are established in many countries of the world especially in those places where there is high percentage of mesothelioma, a cancer which is the result of high exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma law firm is entitled to provide advice to thousands of mesothelioma patients every year. Mesothelioma law firms are large enough to have huge resources and years of experience. Each case of mesothelioma is handled individually and proper investigations are made to help out the clients. Mesothelioma law firm provides adequate counseling to the victims of asbestos. The mesothelioma law firms are based on two aspects. Firstly, to alert the victims about the possibility of this cancer due to the exposure to asbestos and secondly to improve the work place where exposure of asbestos are common.

Farzina Naznin as a writer has written articles for various sites like / The articles written for these sites will reveal the various forms of cancers and their relevant treatments

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Asbestosis And The Legal Implications

A chronic medical condition, which affects the tissue of the lungs, is known as asbestosis. Mine workers and several other professionals suffers from this disease, which occurs due to heavy exposure to asbestos over a long period. Shortness of breath is the most common complaint from those affected by asbestosis and ultimately they end with various types of cancer of the lung.

During the early part of this century, the link between cancer, exposure to asbestos and asbestosis was established and the governments enforced strict safety measures. In 1929, asbestos manufacturers faced the first lawsuit. Afterwards there was a deluge of lawsuits against employers and manufacturing for neglecting the safety regulations.

According to various allegations, training and information regarding detection, removal, diseases, dangers and other issues connected with asbestos are not provided to managers and employers. To implement the wide range of regulations properly, managers and employers are pleading for relevant information and training.

From the sheer magnitude of lawsuits and complaints by people suffering from asbestosis, the liability reached billions of dollars. Many court cases fought over the issue of method and amount of compensation and their allocation. In June 1982, James Cavett, a retired boilermaker was awarded a record compensation of 2.3 million US dollars as compensation and 1.5 million US dollars as punitive damages.

In the history of the United States, one of the most expensive and longest mass torts is asbestos litigation. Currently there are 600000 claimants and 6000 defendants connected with asbestos litigation. According to the current trends, there will be a sizeable increase in the number of people being diagnosed with asbestosis during the next decade.

There was a heavy toll on industry and insurance due to the litigation connected with asbestosis and asbestos. Unfortunately, to obtain a just compensation against the employers and manufacturers of asbestos, litigation is the only recourse.

By employing a lawyer experienced in mesothelioma and asbestosis, substantial compensation can be obtained by individuals exposed to asbestos and subsequently suffering from asbestos related diseases.

In the United States, mesothelioma is known to be caused only by exposure to asbestos and by proving the exposure, which subsequently led to the disease, legal compensation can be easily won. At the same time, it should be noted that the asbestos industry fights these cases by engaging some of the best legal brain available. They not only try to deny compensation but also drag and delay the process of justice to the asbestosis victims.

Lucy Bartlett is a proud contributing author. Find more articles here. For more info visit Lawyer Resource or Asbestos Lawyers.

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Asbestos and Malignant Mesthelioma

Many people are wondering about the risks of asbestos exposure and getting malignant mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer on the pleura, or lining of the lungs. It can lead fluid in the lungs, difficulty breathing, and eventually death. When it comes to how our bodies age and handle illness, 65% depends on the environment, like the things we feed, expose, and do to our bodies. The remaining 35% is due to genetics, that wonderful nuclear and mitochondrial DNA that we got from ours parents and mothers, respectively.

When we think about environment, consider the following study. A 35-year period evaluation of workers in an asbestos factory in Poland revealed that increased rates of lung cancers, pleural mesothelioma, and all malignant cancers were higher in these workers than in the general population. Of the 4,187 subjects studied (2805 men and 1382 women), five died from pleural mesothelioma. Also, the risk for these types of illness did not differ between those that had a preceeding documented diagnosis of lung asbestosis and those that did not. So, where people work, and the polutants they are exposed to, clearly influence disease risks.

Now with genomics laboratories, investigation of disease risk is taken to a new level. A recent study in Northwest Italy evaluated single nucleotide DNA polymorphisms in 4 genes responsible for DNA repair. Polymorphisms are like typos in the DNA language. The assumption was that sloppy DNA repair increased the risk for this cancer when a gene-damaging substance like asbestos was thrown into the picture. It's like trying to fix an important system with an entire chapter ripped out of the repair manual. So seven different variations of these 4 genes were studied in 81 malignant mesothelioma patients and 110 of their age-matched and sex-matched controls. All subjects were residents of Casale Monferrato, a town polluted with asbestos. The results showed that with one type of polymorphism (or DNA typo) a 2.147 oddds ratio existed for this disease, another variant (or DNA typo) had a 4.09 odds risk ratio. These genetic variations can certainly put people at an increased risk of developing the cancer. This is valuable information because the residents of this town can now look at their family genetics and give more consideration about whether or not they should move out of there!

Environment and genetics...we are getting more options now than ever before to learn about our risks of getting cancers, like malignant mesothelioma. If you have any concerns about a history of personal asbestos exposure, I encourage you to explore with your physician or health care provider what diagnostic tools are available for further evaluation.

References: Dianzani I, et al. Polymorphisms in DNA repair genes as risk factors for asbestos-related malignat mesothelioma in a general population study. Mutant Res. 2006 Marc 23; (epub ahead of print) Wilezynska U, Szymezak W, Szeszenia-Dabrowska N. Mortality from malignant neoplasms among workers of an asbestos processing plant in Poland: results of prolonged observation. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2005; 18(4):313-26.

Natalie Kather, MD, is a diplomate of the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine and diplomate of the Amercian Board of Family Medicine. She specializes in using the latest longevity and anti-aging research to extend and improve her clients' lives.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Asbestos Exposure Causes Mesothelioma

Although asbestos is no longer a commonly used material for building there has been a rise in the number of diseases caused by asbestos exposure. This is because the fibers that cause the problem take about 20 to 30 years to manifest. Thus, after a long period of dormancy the symptoms show up dramatically. What is even more dangerous is the fact that many of the symptoms are similar to other diseases, and so it is all the more difficult to find the real cause.

Asbestos is a material that was very popular as an insulator. It insulates very well, and it is fire retardant. As a result, it has been used in many buildings. Because asbestos is not a problem as long as it is not stirred up, many building that were built using it as insulation have not replaced the asbestos. But, exposure to this substance years ago may only now be manifesting itself in the form of cancer or even asbetosis (which cannot be cured).

People who work around old construction sites that involve demolition or remodeling are exposed to asbestos, as they inhale the small fibers. These microscopic fibers, inhaled through the mouth or nose are breathed into the body and come to rest in the lining of the lungs.

Since the illness takes decades to manifest, the damage is not immediately apparent. This can explain the rise in the number of poisoning cases today. Initially, the poisoning is likely to be diagnosed as lung disease since the symptoms are common.

The symptoms of diseases caused by asbestos fibers include increased shortness of breath over time and coughing. These symptoms come with other diseases, and are mistaken for less deadly illnesses. Since the symptoms do not appear to be too serious, they are often ignored. That is dangerous! So, when you experience a persistent cough or shortness of breath, get it checked at once.

Other symptoms related to asbestos disease include chest pain, hoarseness, and coughing up blood. These symptoms can be considered more dangerous if persisting, although their cause not often construed to be asbestos. It is important to have proper tests run if you experience these symptoms and know that you have probably been exposed to asbestos at some point in your life.

If you suspect asbestos exposure in your line of work, you must share your concerns with your doctor who can then refer you to a specialist. A specialist will help you figure out whether your problem is asbestos related or not. It is crucial to catch the signs and symptoms of asbestos early and start addressing the problem.

Although there is no cure for asbestos related illness the symptoms can certainly be treated. However, if it develops into lung cancer, you may have to go in for surgery. In other cases chemotherapy can be tried. Essentially, a healthy lifestyle is crucial in controlling asbestos symptoms.

David Neelhy is a respected contributing author for "Mesothelioma Free Help" You'll find all the latest Mesothelioma news there. Get all David's latest Mesothelioma articles by going to

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Asbestos - No One Said It Cause Cancer!

Asbestos is well recognized as a health hazard and is highly regulated. An estimated 1.3 million employees in construction and general industry face significant asbestos exposure on the job. Heaviest exposures occur in the construction industry, particularly during the removal of asbestos during renovation or demolition.

Asbestos fibers can enter the air or water from the breakdown of natural deposits and manufactured asbestos products. Small diameter fibers and particles may remain suspended in the air for a long time and be carried long distances by wind or water before settling down.

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a rare disease that is strongly related to exposure to asbestos particularly occupational exposure. Mesothelioma is the most serious asbestos causing disease. Mesothelioma is a disease that is almost 100% preventable; the only known cause is via exposure to the deadly mineral Asbestos.

There isn't any cause of mesothelioma other than asbestos, and it's obvious that the major source of the substance is Kubota. According to various researches done, the odds of developing mesothelioma decreased 6.3 percent for every 10 kilometers farther from the asbestos source. Mesothelioma has a latency period of 20 to 50 years after the first exposure to asbestos.

Many employers and the manufacturers of asbestos knew about the dangers when they exposed employees to this material.

Indeed, reports Forbes magazine: "asbestos defendants are very likely now paying compensation for every occupational disease known to man. Tomorrow's epidemic: The epidemic of asbestos disease is expected to peak in the next decade. Usually, a period of 10 to 40 years or more passes before the asbestos victim exhibits the first asbestos disease symptoms.

There is a long latency period between exposure and the development of asbestos disease symptoms. Each state has its own set of deadlines, called statutes of limitation, for allowing victims of asbestos disease to file lawsuits. The victims of asbestos disease deserve to have these issues clearly and squarely addressed. Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause permanent and irreversible damage and disease to vital organs. All types of asbestos cause disease and death.

Mesothelioma is a rare disease that is strongly related to exposure to Asbestos. Find out about Asbestos Hazards at

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Do You Know The Method Of Asbestos Testing?

Asbestos testing is a very important process, since people know the dangers of this mineral (asbestos definition is: a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals of the hydrous magnesium silicate variety). Most asbestos fibers are not visible to the human eye because their small size.

Asbestos testing is necessary, because you can't tell whether a material contains asbestos simply by looking at it, unless it is labeled. If in doubt, treat the material as if it contains asbestos or have it sampled and analyzed by a qualified professional. A professional should take some samples for analysis, he knows what he have to look for, and because there may be an increased health risk if fibers are let out. Asbestos testing should always be done by a qualified expert.

For asbestos testing the requirement of EPA is the polarized light microscopy (PLM asbestos test method) analysis with specialized microscopes. The result of asbestos testing detect the percentage and type of asbestos reside in the sample material.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and with safeguarding the natural environment: air, water, and land. The EPA began operation on December 2, 1970. The current Administrator (as of 2006) is Stephen L. Johnson.

If you would like to know, where you can find EPA regional offices and the list of EPA administrators you need to check the following URL:

Asbestos Fiber Analysis (PLM Test Method)

The purpose of the Bulk Asbestos Program is to accredit testing laboratories to assure that they are competent to analyze bulk samples for asbestos testing, using polarized light microscopy (PLM). National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards) develop an accreditation program for laboratories conducting analyses of bulk samples of asbestos-containing material.

You can find the accredit asbestos testing laboratories list here:

Asbestos Lawyers are the lawyers that specialize in the cases dealing specifically with the hazardous effects induced by Asbestos exposure. If you are or someone in your family is an asbestos victim, you will need an asbestos lawyer. More info you can check the following site:

Nikoletta Bocz owns and operates Asbestos testing and Asbestos lawyer sites. You can find more articles and resources about asbestos and asbestos testing.

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How Asbestos Affects Us?

?Asbestos? is the name given to a group of minerals that occur naturally as bundles of fibers which can be separated into thin threads. These fibers are not affected by heat or chemicals and do not conduct electricity. For these reasons, asbestos has been widely used in many industries.

The generic name "asbestos" belongs to a group of minerals called "asbestiform" minerals. Asbestos is a fibrous material which is mined from serpentine rock. Basically, rock was mined and crushed. When the rock was crushed, fibrous stands of asbestos were extracted from the rock. The strands where put in bags and shipped to manufacturing facilities were the asbestos was used as an ingredient in insulation and other materials.

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma kills 1,800 people a year - more than cervical cancer - but there is no cure and treatment only relieves the symptoms.

Mesothelioma affects the mesothelial tissue surrounding the lungs. The aggressive cancer develops decades after asbestos exposure.

Earlier detection would mean doctors could treat the patient using chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery.

Thirty-seven people out of 44 with mesothelioma had high SMR levels - an 84% accurate detection rate.

Out of seven people who had been exposed to asbestos who also had increased blood concentrations of SMR, three went on to develop mesothelioma and one lung cancer within five years of the study.

The researchers said their findings indicated SMR could be a useful way to monitor the growth of mesothelial tumours because concentrations were seen to increase during tumour progression.

The number of annual deaths from mesothelioma has been steadily increasing since the early 1960s when a couple of hundred a year died.

Domestic consumption of asbestos amounted to about 719,000 metric tons in 1973, but it had dropped to about 9,000 metric tons by 2002. Asbestos is currently used most frequently in gaskets and in roofing and friction products.

The death rate is expected to keep rising until 2015. By 2050 90,000 people are expected to have died from the cancer.

Mesothelioma is a rare disease that is strongly related to exposure to Asbestos. Find out about Asbestos Hazards at

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Is There Early Detection For Asbestos Cancer?

Asbestos was mined and used commercially in North America beginning in the late 1800s. Its use increased greatly during World War II. Since then, it has been used in many industries. For example, the building and construction industry has used it for strengthening cement and plastics as well as for insulation, fireproofing, and sound absorption. The shipbuilding industry has used asbestos to insulate boilers, steampipes, and hot water pipes.

A simple blood test could detect early signs of deadly 'asbestos cancer', scientists have claimed. Patients with mesothelioma - often caused by exposure to asbestos - often die within a few years of diagnosis.

About three-fourths of mesothelioma occurrences start in the chest cavity and is known as pleural mesothelioma. Another 10% to 20% begin in the abdomen and is called peritoneal mesothelioma.

In a study published in The Lancet, researchers say checking levels of a key protein can identify over 80% of cases at an early stage.

Researchers from the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth, Australia, developed a test to assess blood concentrations of soluble mesothelian related (SMR) protein, which has been shown to be an indicator of other cancers. The scientists believed high levels of SMR might also be seen in asbestos cancer patients.

The EPA suggested that consumers use vermiculite outdoors or in a well-ventilated area; keep vermiculite damp while using it; avoid bringing dust from vermiculite use into the home on clothing; and use premixed potting soil, which is less likely to generate dust.

Malignant mesothelioma is divided into three main types. About 50% to 70% of mesothelioma occurrences are the epithelioid type. This type has the best prognosis. The other two types are the sarcomatoid type (7%-20%), and the mixed/biphasic type (20%-35%). Treatment options for all three types are the same.

Victims who were exposed to asbestos at their workplace are entitled to compensation from government, while those who were exposed by other means can get money under common law.

Mesothelioma is a rare disease that is strongly related to exposure to Asbestos. Find out about Asbestos Hazards at

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Removing Asbestos From Your Home

During the 1930's asbestos was discovered to be a great material to be used in building homes, it's fire resistant as well as sturdy and strong. It was used on shingles extensively up until the 1970's when it was proven to cause many diseases.

If your home was built during this time, there is a chance that asbestos may have been used, but just because asbestos exists in your home that does not mean that there is risk of developing any of the diseases related to it. It's when the asbestos becomes damaged and the fibers are released into the air that there is a health risk.

Of course, most people who suspect they have asbestos in their home probably want it removed right away, but now matter how much you want to get rid of it, this is a job best left to professionals as the very act of removing it can cause the fibers to become air born and put you and your family at risk. Today, there are many laws and regulations controlling the removal and disposal of asbestos.

First, a professional should inspect your shingles - if they are still in good condition the best course may be to just leave them as the fibers will not be released and therefore, are not a health risk. However, if you do have asbestos shingles and do decide to leave them it is very important that you do not drill or cut into them in any way as doing so can loosen the fibers.

If the shingles are in bad condition, you have two options - either remove them or repair them. In order to repair them, they must be professionally enclosed so that they are no longer a danger. Removal also requires a professional and disposal can be tricky as some places do not allow disposal of asbestos waste.

As you might imagine, disposing of asbestos can be quite expensive. First of all there are many government regulations to be met. Then there is the safety of those that are removing, gathering and transporting the asbestos. To prevent inhalation of the fibers there must be protective equipment as well as clothing. Care must be taken that no asbestos fibers get into the environment while the removal is taking place. It is a serious and costly undertaking.

These days, most of the homes that used asbestos shingles have either been resided or are gone forever so thankfully few people will have to deal with this issue. If your home has asbestos shingles, your best bet is to consult a professional. Look in the yellow pages for asbestos or hazardous waste removal. It can be an expensive undertaking but well worth your piece of mind.

Lee Dobbins writes for Home DIY 101 where you can learn more about home repair and home related issues.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Guide To Asbestos Lawyers

 The companies exposed to the hazardous effects of Asbestos continued to expose their workers to the deadly element. No protection from the Asbestos dust and no information on its health hazards were provided to the Asbestos workers. Many died. The result observed was ugly, and it was therefore an essential need to bring justice by law to those who suffered ailments from Asbestos in the environment.

Asbestos Lawyers are the lawyers that specialize in the cases dealing specifically with the hazardous effects induced by Asbestos exposure. They work in the area of law and bring home justice in the form of compensation to those who suffered ill health, because of Asbestos in the present and/or past environment.

A patient of Asbestos-induced health problems, or his family, is eligible for filing a lawsuit. It is important for the patient to choose a lawyer on the basis of his success in the industry of law and justice. The number of successful cases presented to the affected individuals can be a testament of the lawyer?s credibility. Experience in the same or similar area is always an additional benefit.

The lawyer of choice shall then assess the case, answer pertinent queries, predict the direction for the Asbestos lawsuit, and bring home justice in the form of compensation. It is also important to provide clear, true and full information to the lawyer. This adds to the efficiency of the lawyer and his confidence in the case assignment. If one is unable to open all facts to the lawyer, the law firm may choose to hire a person for investigation about the exposure of Asbestos to the patient, and this all is done at no extra cost. The best thing is that all Asbestos Lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, so the patient or his family members are not required to part with any money before their lawsuit.

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The MACK Group, LLC Completes the Asbestos Abatement of Several Buildings Located in Belmar, New Jersey

May 2006 - The MACK Group, LLC (website ) recently completed the asbestos abatement of five (5) buildings located in Belmar, New Jersey. The five buildings consisted of three houses and a one story and three story commercial building. Asbestos abatement needed to be completed on the 5 buildings prior to their demolition. The project consisted of the asbestos abatement of asbestos containing materials including roofing, flashing, transite siding, wall board, floor tile and window caulk. The developer plans to build a town home community on the property following demolition of all existing structures.

The MACK Group, LLC accomplished this asbestos abatement and removal project on schedule and without injury.

About the Mack Group, LLC

The MACK Group, LLC is an asbestos abatement and demolition contractor that operates on a nationwide basis but predominantly in NJ, NY, PA, DE, CT, MA, MD, WV, NC, GA, and SC. Services include asbestos abatement, asbestos removal, demolition, Terminator flooring removals, Shot Blast/Blastrac services, asbestos siding removal, asbestos consulting and fluorescent bulb and ballast recycling services.

Contact Information

The MACK Group, LLC 1500 Kings Hwy. N., Ste 209 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Tel: 973-759-5000 Fax: 973-759-5554 Web: For more information contact:

Stephen King (973) 759-5000 ext. 302

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Monday, February 4, 2008

Can You File a Legal Claim For Getting Asbestos Mesothelioma?

Have you ever been exposed to asbestos? Have you ever been short of breath or has experienced chest pains coupled with a notable weight loss? If you answered yes to both questions then you may be exhibiting some symptoms of asbestos mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is an uncommon form of cancer which results from exposure to asbestos. Those who have worked in an asbestos factory or have been exposed to asbestos in any way like when washing the clothes of someone exposed to asbestos are more likely to get asbestos mesothelioma. People who have had their homes renovated with the use of asbestos materials should also take note of the symptoms as they may already have asbestos mesothelioma.

Most people who get asbestos mesothelioma do not easily relate their exposure to asbestos with this rare cancer form because the symptoms may appear after a long period of exposure to asbestos, in some cases, even after 40 years from exposure.

It is difficult to get a diagnosis of asbestos mesothelioma because the symptoms are much like the other illnesses like shortness of breath, coughing, weight loss and chest pains. However, if the symptoms are backed up by a history of asbestos exposure then there is a possibility that the person is indeed afflicted with asbestos mesothelioma.

The number of people reportedly diagnosed with asbestos mesothelioma has increased over the past years maybe because of the increasing awareness of people that getting this cancer from asbestos exposure can entitle them to a legal claim. In fact, most of the victims of asbestos mesothelioma who have filed a legal claim have received compensation from companies found guilty of being negligent and causing the exposure of the victims to asbestos.

People who think they have asbestos mesothelioma or who know of others who have been exposed to asbestos and who exhibit the symptoms of asbestos mesothelioma should consult a solicitor as soon as possible to help them file a legal claim.

A legal claim against the asbestos industry is possible with the aid of solicitors who have filed thousands of lawsuits on behalf of people who have asbestos mesothelioma. The solicitors can advise the victim on how to make sure that the cause of their illness is asbestos exposure. The solicitors can also help them file a legal claim against negligent employers aside from the legal claim against the manufacturers.

Being able to file a legal claim against asbestos manufacturers is the first step in getting proper compensation for being inflicted with asbestos mesothelioma. However, a legal claim is proper only if it can be shown that the cause of asbestos mesothelioma is asbestos exposure and that the parties responsible for the exposure are properly identified. These are matters best handled by solicitors.

A legal claim for asbestos mesothelioma can be settled by the manufacturers when the proper legal claim has been filed, meaning exposure to asbestos has been proven and the negligent employer or manufacturer identified. A person inflicted with asbestos mesothelioma, or his dependents, can get thousands to millions of dollars depending on some factors.

Julian Hall is the Director of <arel="nofollow" href="">Claims Master Group.<arel="nofollow" href="">Personal Injury Claim,<arel="nofollow" href=""

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

The MACK Group, LLC Completes the Asbestos Abatement of the Former Steel Craft Factory Located in Newark, New Jersey

April 2006 - The MACK Group, LLC (website completed the asbestos abatement of the former Steel Craft factory located in Newark, New Jersey. The project consisted primarily of the asbestos abatement of 100,000 sf of asbestos roofing and flashing. Asbestos materials were removed from the structures prior to the demolition of the former factory. Although the factory was abandoned, an active community surrounded the site. The Mack group, LLC took special care to have fencing installed and utilize cones and barricades for public safety purposes. The developer eventually plans to redevelop the property for future housing.

The MACK Group, LLC accomplished this asbestos project on schedule and without injury.

About The Mack Group, LLC

The MACK Group, LLC is an asbestos abatement and demolition contractor that operates on a nationwide basis. Services include asbestos abatement, asbestos siding removal, asbestos floor tile removal, transite removal, asbestos abatement consulting, demolition, Terminator flooring removals, Shot Blast/Blastrac services and fluorescent bulb and ballast recycling services.

Contact Information

The MACK Group, LLC 1500 Kings Hwy. N., Ste 209 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Tel: 973-759-5000 Fax: 973-759-5554 Web: For more information contact:

Stephen King (973) 759-5000 ext. 302

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Friday, February 1, 2008

The MACK Group, LLC Completes the Asbestos Abatement of the Former Point Pleasant Hospital in Point Pleasant, NJ.x

April 2006 - The MACK Group, LLC recently completed the asbestos abatement of the former Point Pleasant Hospital located in Point Pleasant New Jersey. The project consisted of the removal of various asbestos containing materials as well as the abatement of several large boilers.

The project scope consisted of the asbestos abatement of 200,000 square feet of asbestos floor tile and mastic, 70,000 square feet of asbestos roofing, 6000 lineal feet of asbestos piping, 3500 square feet of asbestos sprayed-on fireproofing and the removal of several asbestos containing boilers.

Because the former hospital had been vacant for a long period of time, all utilities were disconnected. The MACK Group, LLC utilized their large onsite generators to supply all power for the 60 HEPA negative air filtration units used inside the work area containments. The MACK Group, LLC also utilized their Terminator floor-scraping machine to assist with the removal of the floor tile and mastic. Also utilized to complete the scope were several skid steers (Bobcat brand), aerial lifts, chutes and twenty of their NJ licensed asbestos workers.

The project schedule was aggressive as the developer needed to complete the project quickly in order to immediately start building the future condominiums. The Mack Group, LLC beat this fast track schedule by 2 weeks. In addition, the work was completed without injury or incident.

The current property owner plans to build several luxury condominiums on the property. The property is located on the corner of the Manasquan River and the Point Pleasant Canal offering spectacular views.

The MACK Group, LLC is an asbestos abatement and demolition contractor that operates on a nationwide basis. Services include asbestos abatement, asbestos removal, asbestos siding removal, asbestos tile removal, demolition, Terminator flooring removals, Shot Blast/Blastrac services and fluorescent bulb and ballast recycling services.

Contact Information

The MACK Group, LLC 1500 Kings Hwy. N., Ste 209 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Tel: 973-759-5000 Fax: 973-759-5554 Web:

Stephen King (973) 759-5000 ext. 302

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