Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Best Asbestos Attorneys

Although many attorneys claim to have succeeded in asbestos lawsuits, not all of them can be categorized as the best asbestos attorneys. The best asbestos attorneys are those with years of experience and an enviable success rate. They can salvage compensations to the tune of millions. Less experienced attorneys may manage to succeed in a lawsuit, but often they may not be able to recover adequate compensation.

There are many sources to look for the best of asbestos attorneys. Bar associations, the Internet, and yellow pages are reliable sources. Many of the best asbestos attorneys are members of reputed statewide and nationwide attorney networks specializing in industrial hazard and worker compensation lawsuits. A good approach to finding a qualified asbestos attorney is to consult a trusted lawyer who can give you a good referral. The lawyer gets a referral fee for this service.

The best asbestos attorneys are an experienced lot. Their vast experience gives them a good judgment of the compensation amount that can be recovered from construction companies. Moreover, these veteran attorneys often have strong political connections, which assist them in getting the job done efficiently. Asbestos attorneys usually charge their fees on contingency basis, in which a portion of the compensation amount is claimed as fee. This percentage is negotiable, but most experienced attorneys usually do not allow any reduction. The high fee of the asbestos attorney is acceptable in most cases because you stand in good stead to win your case by assigning it to an experienced attorney. The best asbestos attorneys do not settle for an initial compensation amount. They carry on lawsuits to extract maximum compensation from the opponent. The best asbestos attorneys thus ensure that their clients get maximum possible damages.

Asbestos Attorneys provides detailed information on Asbestos Attorneys, Asbestos Cancer Attorneys, Asbestos Litigation Attourneys, Asbestos Mesothelioma Attorneys and more. Asbestos Attorneys is affiliated with Asbestos Trial Lawyers

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Asbestos Attorneys Online

There are a multitude of websites dedicated to asbestos-related lawsuits. They provide information such as how to file an asbestos case. These websites even help you find good asbestos attorneys. It is easy to find asbestos attorneys online, as almost all good attorneys list themselves in various websites. Many law firms also boast their own websites. Attorneys who do not have their own websites usually register with a bar association website.

There are numerous websites dedicated solely to law and related issues. These websites contain online resources such as articles related to asbestos lawsuits. Online resources also tell you where to find a good asbestos attorney, how to approach him, and what points to discuss in the initial consultation. Additionally, there are online articles related to asbestos-related ailments such as mesothelioma and the medical costs involved in treating them. Private websites that are owned by law firms and attorneys contain information on previous lawsuits handled by them. They tell you the case histories and the compensation amount won in each of those cases. Well-qualified and experienced asbestos attorneys usually have a good track record of winning large compensation amounts for their clients. These compensation amounts, usually to the tune of millions, are displayed on these websites to attract more clients.

Most law-based websites feature online search tools to find asbestos attorneys. Asbestos victims usually prefer attorneys from their own states, so, websites provide online searches that can be narrowed down to a state, county, or city. Websites belonging to bar associations generally maintain databases containing information about their members. They also give information on attorneys' success rates.

Asbestos Attorneys provides detailed information on Asbestos Attorneys, Asbestos Cancer Attorneys, Asbestos Litigation Attourneys, Asbestos Mesothelioma Attorneys and more. Asbestos Attorneys is affiliated with Asbestos Trial Lawyers

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Friday, March 28, 2008

A Guide to Asbestos Attorneys

Asbestos attorneys help victims of asbestos-related ailments win multi-million dollar compensations. Over exposure to asbestos can result in life-threatening diseases. Medical expenses related to these diseases are often very high, and treatment may extend over a lifetime. Most of the victims are former construction workers. Very often, workers are not informed about the ill-effects of asbestos by their employers. Asbestos attorneys help these victims obtain damages from their former employers.

Asbestos lawsuits involve many complexities and usually take about six months to one year to resolve. These lawsuits require special knowledge and expertise. General practitioners would not suffice for such cases. Only attorneys who have ample experience in asbestos lawsuits can help you through the case. Asbestos attorneys have, therefore, emerged as a specialized lot. These attorneys can recover appropriate damages to cover medical expenses and rehabilitation costs for the victims. Asbestos attorneys usually charge their fees on a contingency basis, in which certain percentage of the compensation amount is given as fee. If the lawsuit fails, attorneys usually do not charge any fee.

A lot of asbestos attorneys have their own networks spanning over many states. Many of them even have their own websites, too. Most law firms specializing in asbestos lawsuits maintain a team of asbestos attorneys and investigators. This team is often backed by huge databases of records and depositions. Asbestos attorneys usually have to deal with all sorts of companies that do businesses involving asbestos in one form or other. Among the commonly litigated companies are mining companies, distributors, insulation contractors, brokers, and numerous other contractors where workers handle asbestos products. Contractors and site owners are held responsible for any lack of safety standards implemented for their workers.

Asbestos Attorneys provides detailed information on Asbestos Attorneys, Asbestos Cancer Attorneys, Asbestos Litigation Attourneys, Asbestos Mesothelioma Attorneys and more. Asbestos Attorneys is affiliated with Asbestos Trial Lawyers

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mesothelioma Asbestos Claim: Know Your Rights

As an American citizen you have many rights. The United Stated of America signed a very important document called the Declaration of Human Rights. In it, under article number 3 you will find that "everyone has the right to life..." With that said, almost everyone infected with mesothelioma got it by inhaling toxic asbestos fibers during a long period of time without any warning. This means that you may have the right for a mesothelioma asbestos claim.

The Beginning

Since the first mesothelioma lawsuit hit the courts in 1929, more and more lawsuits have been presented involving more than two hundred billion dollars. Any person that has acquired mesothelioma because of negligence of someone else is eligible to file a case in search for compensation for damages to their life.

Mesothelioma and the Law

Although mesothelioma is still a very rare type of cancer, the US government has been presented with countless cases, making it somewhat a legal priority to create answers for. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved an amendment on June 14 2006 to the highly debated "Fairness in Asbestos Injury Resolution Act of 2005" which granted victims of mesothelioma "$1.1 million within 30 days of their claim's approval". Victims include people from normally exposed industries and also people exposed to asbestos during the 9/11 rescues and debris recollection after the attacks on the World Trade Center and debris recollection from reconstruction after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

What you can Do

Don't ever hesitate or think twice if you want to seek legal advice for a mesothelioma asbestos claim. There are many excellent hard working legal firms that can find you the best compensations for obtaining mesothelioma by inhaling asbestos fibers. Nevertheless, you have to be diagnosed with the illness in order to file a case. Because of the innumerable cases that have been presented of people that only present symptoms from the cancer, the justice process for people currently ill from mesothelioma is hindered. The justice department has no other choice but to reject these spam cases in order to tackle the mesothelioma asbestos claims from people who are genuinely suffering the disease. There are other ways to make a mesothelioma claim for only presenting symptoms.

After certain events in his life, Ermenegildo Billar has dedicated years of his life to understanding and helping people with the malignant mesothelioma. For your comfort he decided to create so you can have easy access to his research.

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Asbestos Mesothelioma Resource: Get to Know It

For those of you that have no idea what mesothelioma is; or at least knows that it's a type of cancer but would like to know more about it, this article on asbestos mesothelioma resource will attempt to inform you as much as possible. This disease may not be popular but it certainly destroys the lives of people who have mesothelioma and his or her close friends and relatives.


To start, mesothelioma is caused by exposure to a mineral called asbestos. Fortunately, not many people are at risk of the hazardous asbestos compared to other toxic material. Even so, according to the AJRCCM 1.3 million people are still vulnerable to poisonous asbestos.

These are the people who are most susceptible to be exposed to asbestos and obtain either pleural mesothelioma or peritoneal mesothelioma:

  • Workers in mines of asbestos extraction
  • People who work in the trade industry
  • Workers at shipyards
  • Manufacturers of Asbestos products
  • Workers in the construction industry
  • Workers in heating industry
  • Family and friends of all of the above
The depressing part of it all is that getting mesothelioma isn't your fault, but because of negligence from the owners of these mines, shipyards, construction sites, etc. In the past these people have failed to implement safety measures and the consequences are being paid by everyone involved. The workers because of the illness and the owners because of all the compensation money they have to pay for every mesothelioma lawsuit they have had in the years.

Asbestos and the Law

Asbestos mesothelioma legal claims cost around $200 billion in the US. It is relatively easy to win a mesothelioma case because of the implications on how you obtained the disease. However, you must take into account that these people have had thousands of lawsuits throughout the years and they hire the best legal sharks out there. So it must be noted that they have techniques to drag and setback as much as possible the lawsuits.

After certain events in his life, Ermenegildo Billar has dedicated years of his life to understanding and helping people with the malignant mesothelioma. For your comfort he decided to create so you can have easy access to his research.

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Information About Asbestos Related Disease

Asbestos related disease can lurk in your body for decades, not showing up in evident bogy conditions. This means that you may potentially carry the danger in yourself and not be aware of this. Asbestos exposure can lead to terrible medical consequences. You need to carefully be diagnosed when exposed to asbestos. You should know that asbestos related disease is a terrible thing and you shouldn?t take things too lightly.

Exposure to asbestos fibers can happen in your home, in work, on the street. It is very dangerous indeed. If a building was made by the usage of asbestos, that you are in big trouble, if you happen to be its constant inhabitant. Asbestos exposure can be done nearly everywhere you live or work at.

Materials containing asbestos were largely used in the 20th century, and their harmful influence on human body was not known. Now, we already know that asbestos can have terrible effects on humans. The asbestos water pipes can cause different cancers. The asbestos roofs and insulation can be as much dangerous as the pipes.

The air containing asbestos is absolutely excruciating for your health. The air carries the asbestos fibres, which are infused in the lungs, causing various asbestos related diseases. If you are prone to asbestos influence, you may carry in your body a lot of asbestos fibers. They can ruin you lungs, and they can also move to other areas in your body, causing even greater harm.

Popular asbestos related diseases are known as asbestosis and mesothelioma. Asbestosis is an irritation and inflammation of the lungs, which have been scarred by asbestos fibres. Mesothelioma is a cancer that occurs around the lungs, ribs and abdominal organs.

Treatment of asbestos related disease includes infection treatment, vaccination, and also standard cancer treatments. Oxygen can be inflated in the lungs, so that the fibers stop their destructive activity. People prone to asbestos related disease should stop smoking, if they are smokers. This can prevent the disease from showing up.

Exposure to asbestos causes proneness to asbestos related diseases, but it is not 100 per cent certain that you will catch the diseases. Anyway, you should be very careful because you never know how your body will react to certain influences.

There are a lot of harmful influence in workplaces as well. Workers who are constantly at the building sites of different houses, are exposed to higher influence of asbestos fibers. It depends on the house your work office is situated in, whether you will get the influence or not. Some buildings can be really harmful.

Whether or not asbestos is used in building a house, you should consult with a professional. They can make approbation and find whether you are at risk or not. Buildings such as commercial buildings, workplaces, or residential homes should be tested for ensuring the safety of their residents.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning health and research. Learn more at Asbestos Related Disease

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Mesothelioma Information Asbestos Cancer: Let's Inform the World

Mesothelioma is known to be produced by exposing yourself to asbestos during a long period of time. A period of time hundreds and thousands of mine and shipyard workers are exposed while they work hard. The first case of mesothelioma ever to be linked with asbestos remotes as early as the 1890s. Almost a full century passed until the first mesothelioma lawsuit was filed against asbestos manufacturers in the US.

Information Denial

Mesothelioma information and asbestos cancer information was practically refrained from workers causing them to get infected throughout the years without even knowing what was mesothelioma. Some asbestos producing companies even sent out memos about abstaining to inform their workers about the illness until they were already infected with mesothelioma.

It is no wonder why there are some many people now a day with pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma affects the lungs tissue, while peritoneal mesothelioma affects the abdomen.

Mesothelioma Treatments

There is no known cure to mesothelioma cancer but doctors and scientists are making a huge effort to try and finding it. Currently there are various mesothelioma treatments but don't ultimately cure it.

Mesothelioma is a serious disease and serious attempt should be made to inform the American people about what is going on. Mesothelioma lawsuits have been filed and won by thousands of people infected. With the right mesothelioma information, asbestos manufactures shouldn't have to pay billions in compensation for mesothelioma infected workers.

Preventable Crisis

This is an illness that can be 100% preventable and many companies knew that. The only thing is that they were too busy focusing in making billions out of blood money that they forgot to care about their workers.

After certain events in his life, Ermenegildo Billar has dedicated years of his life to understanding and helping people with the malignant mesothelioma. For your comfort he decided to create so you can have easy access to his research.

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Asbestos Attorneys

Several ailments are caused when a person inhales asbestos or comes in contact with it. Asbestos lawyers are attorneys who help individuals get compensation for damages suffered because of asbestos exposure.

In the US, asbestos attorneys have represented hundreds of people incapacitated by asbestos. These asbestos attorneys have been active in attaining extraordinary verdicts and payments on behalf of asbestos sufferers in many regions of the US.

The chief hazard from asbestos is from breathing asbestos fibers into the lungs. Asbestos dust is easily breathed into the lungs, since asbestos fibers are minute and smooth. Once inhaled, some asbestos fibers will stay in the body perpetually. Over extended periods of time, these fibers can give rise to lethal ailments like mesothelioma, other asbestos cancers and asbestosis.

Researchers have not settled on a safe level of contact with asbestos. Nevertheless, scientists and doctors have concluded that the larger and longer the contact with asbestos, the greater the chance of experiencing asbestos-connected ailments.

Asbestos attorneys understand that every case of asbestos exposure is different, and warrants personal notice. They follow every case with their enormous familiarity and experience of the asbestos industry. The attorneys also recognize that money will by no means sufficiently compensate a victim of asbestos exposure, but consider it important to bring these cases to court in order to have judgments passed against the companies which brought about damage to thousands of American workers and their families.

When choosing an asbestos lawyer, one should seek a law firm that specializes in asbestos cases and is dedicated to serving its clients. The attorney should perform as the advocate, taking charge of the case in an understanding, caring, specialized manner.

Asbestos Attorneys provides detailed information on Asbestos Attorneys, Asbestos Cancer Attorneys, Asbestos Litigation Attourneys, Asbestos Mesothelioma Attorneys and more. Asbestos Attorneys is affiliated with Asbestos Trial Lawyers

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Asbestos Cancer Attorneys

Prolonged exposure to asbestos can give rise to lung cancer. Asbestos cancer attorneys are lawyers who represent victims who have contracted this dreadful disease through prolonged contact with asbestos. Their aim is to obtain compensation for their clients from those responsible for causing the damage.

The asbestos cancer lawyers have forcefully and fruitfully fought for asbestos workers and their families. There are a large number of cancer attorney firms in the US, with a sizeable number of asbestos claimants, and they have won substantial compensation for their affected clients. Asbestos cancer attorneys usually employ top medical professionals and scientists to assist them in developing a case.

These attorneys are devoted to making sure that each of their clients obtains the consideration his or her case is worthy of. If one is suffering from cancer due to extensive exposure to asbestos, the straightforward reality is that the more clients the attorneys stand for, the better the chance of negotiating with the companies that caused the dreaded disease.

According to the National Cancer Institute, around 3,000 cases of malignant cancer from asbestos exposure are being reported in the United States each year, and the occurrence seems to be rising. The syndrome is three times more widespread in men than in women. In men, the incidence of asbestos related cancer is ten times higher in men between the ages of 60 and 70 than in men between the ages of 30 and 40. Work-related exposure to asbestos over the past fifty years in the United States is estimated to have happened to roughly eight million people, and up to 300,000 new cases are anticipated to take place by the year 2030.

An exceptional characteristic of asbestos-connected cancer is the long latency phase between exposure to asbestos and the beginning of the disease.

Asbestos Attorneys provides detailed information on Asbestos Attorneys, Asbestos Cancer Attorneys, Asbestos Litigation Attourneys, Asbestos Mesothelioma Attorneys and more. Asbestos Attorneys is affiliated with Asbestos Trial Lawyers

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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Asbestosis & Mesothelioma - Causes & Symptoms

Asbestosis - The Cause

Asbestosis and asbestos-related diseases are caused by inhaling asbestos fibres. There is no cure at present, but early identification can stop the condition from getting worse.

When asbestos is physically disturbed in uncontrolled circumstances, tiny, needle-like fibres of asbestos become airborne. If these fibres are inhaled they travel like small arrows deep into the lungs penetrating the tissue. The harm they cause may not be immediate, but the long-term effects are serious.

When the fibres penetrate the lung tissue, they trigger an inflammatory reaction. In an attempt to defend itself, the body sends white blood cells to engulf and attack these foreign objects. The fibres usually resist and destroy these blood cells, and this leaves increasing amounts of unwanted debris around the affected area, thereby promoting further inflammation and irreversible scarring of the lungs.

Asbestosis - The Symptoms

The symptoms of asbestosis don't tend to appear for many years. Whilst manifestation times differ with individuals, it may take as long as 25 to 40 years.

This means that even though working practices & precautions have been dramatically improved, we still see a large number of people just starting to show signs of ill health and diseases such as mesothelioma.

Typically, shortness of breath is a sign of asbestosis, as well as a sign of a range of other diseases. People may relate this symptom to a more friendly disease for their own peace-of-mind, but if you experience shortness of breath and know or suspect that you have been exposed to asbestos in your past, then it would be wise to consult your doctor.

Shortness of breath initially occurs on exertion, but later, even at rest. It is the main symptom and a result of reduced lung capacity, and pressure in and around the lungs. Other common symptoms include tiredness - from a lack of oxygen, and coughing..

Asbestosis can also cause thickening of the pleura. The pleura is the membrane that lines the outside of the lungs, and this symptom will likely only be noticed upon x-ray. It is usually an x-ray performed for a reason other than suspected asbestosis that reveals this symptom. If the thickening is severe it may restrict lung function, again causing shortness of breath.

Mesothelioma - The Cause

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, only caused by exposure to asbestos. This cancer may occur in the pleura and shortness of breath will result.

Other negative effects of mesothelioma are chest pain and intestinal obstruction. The latter results from this cancer in the abdominal wall.

Mesothelioma is a cancer of mesothelial cells. These cells cover the outer surface of most of our internal body organs, forming a lining that is sometimes called the mesothelium. So this is where this type of cancer gets its name.

Even though mesothelioma is a form of cancer, it is unusual for it to spread to other parts of the body. If it does, it does not usually cause problems.

Mesothelioma - The Symptoms

In its early stages, mesothelioma does not have many symptoms.

When symptoms do develop, they are often caused by the cancer growing and pressing on either a nerve or another body organ.

There are two main types of mesothelioma and the symptoms differ. There are two main types of this form of cancer:

Pleural mesothelioma

Peritoneal mesothelioma

The pleural type grows in the tissues covering the lungs. The peritoneal type grows in the tissue lining the inside of the abdomen. Pleural mesothelioma is much more common than peritoneal mesothelioma.

Between 7 and 8 out of 10 (70-80%) of cases of mesothelioma are pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma is much less common.

The typical symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are pain in the lower back, pain in the side of the chest, a persistent cough, shortness of breath, a hoarse or husky voice, noticeably losing weight when not dieting, sweating, fevers and difficulty swallowing.

The typical symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include pain in the abdomen, swelling in the abdomen, feeling or being sick, poor appetite, noticeably losing weight when not dieting and diarrhoea or constipation.

These symptoms are all more likely to be caused by some other illness, rather than by mesothelioma. However, if you have these symptoms, consult your doctor, especially if you have been exposed to asbestos in the past.

How does Asbestos Cause Mesothelioma?

Asbestos is made up of tiny fibres. You can breathe these fibres in when you come into contact with asbestos, particularly when these fibres are airborne. The fibres work their way into the pleura, the lining of the lung. They irritate the pleura and damage the cells that the pleura are made of. This promotes the growth of cancerous cells.

Some of the fibres that have been breathed in can be coughed up and swallowed. This is probably one of the causes of peritoneal mesothelioma. Most cases of mesothelioma occur in men who have worked in manufacturing using asbestos or used asbestos based products, particularly in construction or engineering.

The use of asbestos was very heavy in the years after the war (Post 1945). Mesothelioma may not develop until 15 - 40 years after you have been exposed to asbestos, which is why we are seeing an increase in cases now. The number of cases is expected to peak around 2018 and then start to decline.

There are three types of asbestos: blue, brown and white. Blue and brown asbestos are linked with mesothelioma. They have been banned since the late 1980's and cannot be imported into the UK. White asbestos is now also thought to be harmful. The use of all asbestos was banned in 1999 in the UK.

I hope you find this article useful. I have created it to be used as a free resource to educate others about the dangers of asbestos, and the reality of asbestosis and mesothelioma. I researched these illnesses during a university case study. I work in the construction industry and have already encountered asbestos in various boiler houses and heat intensive environments. I can only hope there were no airborne particles.

More information of this nature is available at

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Asbestos: An Environmental Hazard

Asbestos has been used extensively as an insulating material in building construction for many years. Only until recently were newer materials introduced in the market such as fiberglass in place of asbestos.

Diseases may result when large amounts of fine asbestos fibers become accumulated in the lungs. This fatal disease is more commonly known as asbestosis. The disease is often found in workers engaged in the mining or processing of asbestos. Various trades involved with asbestos include pipefitting, shipbuilding and the construction industry. In addition to its use in insulation, it is also used in fire smothering blankets and safety clothing, in gas masks, as plastic filler material and in cement and floor tiles. Today, demolition workers and home renovators working on older buildings put themselves at high risk from the toxicity of this substance.

One of the most fatal toxicities of asbestos is its effect on breathing and the pathogenesis of lung cancer. The lungs are the primary targets of asbestos toxicity. Breathing may become progressively more difficult and laborious and this may ultimately lead to lung cancer. Initially, the individual may only experience a chronic, dry cough. As the disease progresses, symptoms may vary from shortness of breath and decreased exercise tolerance to chest pains. These symptoms are not exclusive to asbestosis, but a history of exposure will help the physician make the right and acute diagnosis of this disease.

One rare form of lung cancer that appears to be unique among people exposed to asbestos is known as mesothelioma. This cancer affects the lining of the lungs or abdomen. The association of asbestos exposure and malignant mesothleioma has been well documented. Approximately 80% of mesothelioma patients have along history of asbestos exposure. The combined roles of genetic and environment in the pathogenesis of mesothelioma has also been suggested by its familial aggregation. Studies show an association between single nucleotide polymorphisms leading to a defect in DNA repair poses an increased risk of mesothelioma. It is essential to identify genetic risk factors for malignant mesothelioma. The toxic asbestos fibers chronically retained in the lung can be carcinogenic as a result of: mechanical effects, such as interference during chromosome segregation; generation of reactive oxygen species; and local and systemic immunosuppression. Identification of specific risk genotypes will provide better estimation of population disease risk resulting from defined exposure; improve knowledge on lung carcinogenesis; and help target early detection of disease in high-risk individuals. It is a malignant neoplasm that may not appear for as many as 20 to 40 years following the exposure of the substance. This type of malignancy has a high fatality rate. The relation between asbestos exposure and mesothelioma is so close that the occurrence of this malignancy may be grounds for occupational compensation.

Unfortunately, there has yet been no cure for asbestosis. It is imperative that one provides a detailed history of work activities and any other sources of possible exposure to toxic dusts. Keep in mind that ones' exposure may have been many years ago. The substance may have been inhaled from the clothes of another person who has worked with asbestos. An abnormal finding chest X ray may suggest exposure to asbestos. This does not necessarily mean that you have lung asbestosis. Not everyone who has been exposed will inevitably develop lung disease and cancer. The disease itself is only diagnosed only if you have a history of exposure, indicative chest X ray and physical findings and symptoms of debilitating lung fibrosis, which is characterized by abnormal development of scar tissue in the lungs.

If you are a young or middle-aged worker who works with asbestos, it is important to follow recommended safety precautions. Wear approved facemasks and breathing instruments that filter out the asbestos fibers. Be certain that all areas of your body is covered and take extra care to minimize your contact with the outside of the clothes you wear when working with asbestos.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Asbestos

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mesothelioma: How Do Doctors Diagnose Asbestos Cancer? Part 1

As we discussed in our previous article, you might have been exposed to asbestos airborne particles if you have been building ships, working with heat insulation and changing old brakes pads. There are many dangerous occupations exist, such as, asbestos plant workers, automobile mechanics, boiler workers, plumbers, drywall workers, electricians insulators, painters, even hairdressers and teachers. Many other professions might give an occasional exposure to the asbestos particles.

As the consequence of asbestos exposure you may get asbestosis, but you may also start do develop mesothelioma - relativity rare but deadly type o cancer.

So, how do doctors diagnose the mesothelioma?

When you see your doctor, the first think he does to suspect the mesothelioma is asking about your occupational history. The paramount importance is to catch the asbestos cancer in the early stages of the disease, so time is of the essence. The survival rate is eight to twelve months on average. However, catching and treating the mesothelioma early at some cancer centers gives better results.

Doctors look for signs and symptoms of the cancer. The mesothelioma symptoms often delay up to 20 and more years after asbestos exposure. Yet, in rats intra-pleural introduction of asbestos chrysotile fibers may cause mesothelioma in several months.

People with mesothelioma complain on breath shortness, persistent cough, sputum, and chest pain. The pain comes from pleura - the lungs lining that is very sensitive to irritation. Mesothelioma tends to cause fluid accumulation in the pleural cavity.

Peritoneal mesothelioma causes weight loss, pain and ascites (belly swelling due to fluid in the abdominal cavity). Peritoneal mesothelioma also may block bowels and cause all kinds of troubles with gut obstruction. As many cancers, asbestos cancer also changes blood clotting, causes blood cells decrease (anemia), night sweats, and fevers. Ascites may lead to nausea and feet swelling. Spreading of the cancer will bring pain, difficult swallowing, and neck swelling. This symptom happens because of compression of some great veins going to the heart in your chest. In general mesothelioma symptoms are not very specific. They may characterize any other type of cancer as well as many other non-cancerous diseases. This problem delays diagnosis. Sometimes patients think that they have viral pneumonia. Some patients don't have any symptoms at all. Mesothelioma in advanced stage, as well as majority of cancers, will cause fatigue.

An x-ray may show a fluid accumulation.

What is a pleural effusion? Pleural effusion means the accumulation of fluid between the pleura on inside chest wall and diaphragm and pleura covering lungs. What is pleura? Pleura is the thin layer of special cells covering the lung and inside of the chest wall. It has an idea of closed plastic bag with some small amount of fluid inside. Basically, this bag helps lungs to slide easily against chest wall during expansion from breathing. The membranes of pleura consist from mesothelial cells. Exactly these cells produce a small amount of the lubricant. The amount of fluid is always in balance. Extra pleural fluid is quickly reabsorbed. When there is too much fluid, it is the effusion. Abdominal cavity has similar lining named peritoneum, which covers abdominal organs the way pleura covers the lungs. Mesothelioma leads to fluid build up, which is caused by cancer cells irritating the pleura or peritoneum. This fluid leads to sickness in your abdomen or difficulty breathing.

Transudation is a pleural effusion with clear fluid. It usually results from imbalance of fluid production and removal. It is more characteristic for some other disease. Doctors would think first about congestive heart failure. Mesothelioma would rather cause an exudate. Exudates are a cloudy pleural effusion with many cells and proteins. Exudates happen after the pleura is irritated and inflamed, as it happen in mesothelioma. To check the type of effusion, doctors would stick a needle and get the fluid sample. This stick is called diagnostic thoracentesis. The fluid will be checked in the lab. If mesothelioma is the cause, cancer cells may be found in the fluid

Why shortness of breath develops? The dyspnea (breath shortness) happens exactly because too much fluid is accumulated and press on the lung, pushing it away form the chest wall inside and thus making the lung smaller. Also the pain from inflamed pleura prevents patient from deep breathing. The receptors in inflamed pleura also cause dry cough. Listening to the lungs with a stethoscope reveals decreased breath sounds. Tapping on the chest sounds dull. This all is the consequence of fluid accumulation.

During your doctor's visit, you should discuss your concerns about asbestos exposure in the past. Your doctor should check the area of pain and swelling; he also should listen to your breath sounds and check for fluid collection. If your doctors suspect the effusion he may send you for tests and X-rays or refer to a specialist.

If a doctor suspects mesothelioma, he dose not have many specific tests on hands. Many of the usual tests may show no results in mesothelioma. Simple chest x-ray does not always show small pleural effusion. A lateral decubitus film may be required for smaller effusions (the same x-ray but the side view). Otherwise CT scan or ultrasound may show the effusion.

Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD. Medical Articles, Free On-line diagnostics at,

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Asbestos - A Ticking Time-Bomb Still Legally in Use in Some Products

Have you ever seen the effects of asbestosis, mesothelioma, or any of the various asbestos-related cancers that have killed or destroyed the livelihood of a close fried or relative? Believe me, some very powerful and influential figures have succumbed to these illnesses, so it is not just confined to manual workers working in factories or building sites where asbestos was involved.

As early as 1898 the then Chief inspector of Factories in The United Kingdom in his report to Parliament submitted in his report regarding the ?evil effects of asbestos dust.? He described it even all those years ago as having a sharp, glass like nature, very susceptible to disintegrating into minute particles, which then very easily permeated every nook and cranny in a building, or even a district where such a product was in use.

Litigation due to industrial exposure to asbestos remains the longest, most expensive joint claim in the world, with over 6,000 defendants, and at the latest count well over 600,000 claimants. With the current rate of detection of asbestos related diseases set to rise over the next decade, estimates of the litigation costs on the US alone is expected to rise to well over $250 BILLION. You would have thought that with such amounts at stake, anybody still manufacturing products based on asbestos or any asbestos-related products would be taking an enormous financial risk.

In early times items made of asbestos were held in great esteem, especially by Kings and Emperors, and of equal value to gold. Many in fact were cremated in an asbestos shroud, to keep their ashes separate from any other combustible materials. How rash was that! In fact, talking of rashes, although asbestos fibres when coming into contact with the skin causes rashes, there are stories from ancient times that asbestos was actually prescribed for ailments of the skin ? especially the itch.

Although there are many forms of asbestos, they all have the same characteristic to a greater or lesser degree, that eventually however they may be packaged up within another material, they will all form asbestos dust particles at some point in their life.

Due to asbestos?s fire-retarding properties, until the late 1980?s there were many applications within public and private buildings where asbestos in one form or another was used. Acoustic ceilings, putty, vinyl floor coverings, fire-retardant fillings, adhesives and ceiling tiles, acoustic curtains in theatres, and in brake disk pads in cars, busses and trains, clutch plates, gaskets, fire blankets ? the list is endless, as is the lurking danger.

In fact, many a worker in the American shipyards during the Second Word War were heavily exposed to this asbestos danger, and even some top people were affected and struck down with asbestosis, mesothelioma, or asbestos-induced cancers of some sort.

Now, with many asbestos based products no longer allowed in new construction, there must be thousands upon thousands of sites where asbestos is still lurking, and even demolition and or removal creates its own hazard conditions.

Interestingly, in the interest of ?profit? there are still a number of applications where asbestos is still in use, and can even be found in some consumer products, such as talcum powder.

In all, the list of asbestos based products is still scarily quite long.

Asbestos-cement corrugated and flat sheets; asbestos clothing for heat resistant applications, pipe line wraps, roofing felt, and many applications in the auto industry, including automatic transmission system components, clutch plates, friction pads such as disk brake pads and so forth are still being manufactured.

How many of us have smelt the acrid fumes when a train applies it?s brakes in your local station?

Because of all this historical use of asbestos, we are all constantly exposed to certain levels of asbestos dust. These are usually quite low levels (between 0.00001 to 0.0001 fibres per millilitre of air we breathe) with the higher levels predominately in towns and cities. Some drinking water can also contain asbestos fibres from natural sources, but this is usually very closely monitored.

Where asbestos removal takes place, whole buildings have to be hermetically sealed to try and trap the bulk of the dust.

If you have been unfortunate enough to breathe large quantities of asbestos dust, either in a short burst, or over a period of years the effects are usually very much the same.

1. This dust, on the lungs and the membranes inside us, will eventually cause scar like tissues in the lungs, and in the pleural membrane (lining) surrounding the lungs. This ?asbestosis? as it is known will usually cause coughing, difficulty in breathing, and sometimes, enlargement of the heart. Asbestosis is very serious, and often results in death. However, it is usually confined to those who worked in the asbestos industry.

2. Lower levels of intake of this deadly dust may cause changes called plaques in the pleural membranes. Effects here are not as serious as with asbestosis, but restricted breathing may still take place.

3. Any irritation of the lungs, or any other membrane in the body will have a marked increase in the formation of cancers, and lung cancer and mesothelioma, which is a cancer of the thin lining (pleural membrane) surrounding the lungs is a well-know side effect of breathing asbestos dust.

4. Children are particularly at risk, as how many of them may play around old buildings, and take great pleasure in smashing up old sheets of asbestos, not realising that they are really playing with something more deadly than an unexploded time-bomb.

As a successful property renovator, and provider of buildings for my property club members, asbestos is of a very serious concern to me.

In all, asbestos, although having served mankind ?Faithfully?? down throughout the ages, has now been identified as the spectre of danger that it presents, but unfortunately we have been mining the stuff for centuries, so it will not go away quietly, and without a fight.

Hence the massive levels of lawsuits piling up surrounding all forms of asbestos.

Geoff Morris

Geoff Morris is a Property Entrepreneur who has been studying the dangers of renovating old buildings for his club members ( Such an International scare really needs more investigating, and you can identify far more information by visiting

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Asbestos Cancer Disease

The history of the Asbestos Cancer disease ?Mesothelioma? dates back to the early 1960s. The use of the silicate Asbestos can be traced back as early as World War II. However, the risks involved with Asbestos exposure were unknown at that time. With the passage of time, studies revealed that the cancerous disease was common in people of South African origin. Majority of them were mine workers. It was in 1962 that Dr. Mc Nulty made the first diagnosis of the Cancer related disease.

Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that occurs in individuals who are exposed for short or prolonged periods to asbestos dust. As a consequence, the disease can cause severe disfigurement and impairment of the lungs. Individuals suffering from the fatal disease, suffer from breathing problems, abnormal blood clotting, unbearable abdominal pain, significant weight loss and high fevers.

Today, the dangers of the asbestos fibres have raised a growing concern among health professionals. To help prevent mineworkers and shipyard workers from transitory exposures to asbestos, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration has devised rules and regulations to help win the race in defeating this gruesome disease, which has robbed the precious lives of many of Americans.

Mineworkers working in hazardous asbestos environments are urged to wear protective clothing at their workplaces. To help prevent inflicting their loved ones with the cancerous effects of the asbestos fibers, the OSHA urged asbestos exposed workers to make it a regular habit of showering daily to remove any trace of the cancerous silicate like fiber. Families of asbestos affected workers should be tested for any trace of this cancer-causing material.

For more Articles about Mesothelioma Cancer please click here

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Sara Reisness

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Asbestos Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is one of the most uncommon forms of cancer. It generally affects the lungs, heart or abdominal organs. The most common form of this disease is pleural mesothelioma. The pleuron is a slight membrane between the chest cavity and the lungs. The lubrication it gives does not allow the lungs to get grazed when they come in contact with the chest wall. Pleural mesothelioma is also known as ""lung"" cancer. Peritoneal mesothelioma is another form of mesothelioma. The membrane that envelops the abdomen?s organs is known as the peritoneum. While it is less common than pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma is more invasive and consequently more fatal for the patient.

Mesotheliomas are either easily curable or malignant. The most widespread form of mesothelioma is the ?diffuse malignant pleural mesothelioma?. This tumor is invasive and destructive. It characteristically spreads quickly to the lungs? surface, heart or abdominal organs. Life expectancy for patients afflicted by this cancer usually ranges between four months to two years. Of course, that depends a lot on myriad factors, like the stage of the disease?s detection, the patient?s health etc. With appropriate care, some patients have survived for a number of years.

Early diagnosis and surgery may elongate life expectancy. Surgery may not be a feasible option, however, for older or weaker patients. Radiation treatment and chemotherapy can help in the overall program. Home care and pain management are other alternatives during the later stages of the malignancy.

Automobile mechanics, painters, plasterers, pipe fitters, plumbers, shipyard workers and welders, to name a few, are in regular contact with asbestos and thus in greater danger of getting the disease than individuals of other professions.

Generally, it is believed that sustained exposure to asbestos is more liable to give one mesothelioma. However, some individuals with short but severe exposures have developed this malignancy. Also, a person can get this disease indirectly. Women, while washing the clothes of men (son, husband) who work with asbestos, can develop the cancer.

Mesothelioma Asbestos provides detailed information on Mesothelioma and Asbestos, Mesothelioma Asbestos Diseases, Mesothelioma Asbestos Treatment, Asbestos Mesothelioma Cancer and more. Mesothelioma Asbestos is affiliated with Mesothelioma Diagnosis Support

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Mesothelioma and Asbestos

Mesothelioma is an uncommon form of cancer, commonly linked with prior exposure to asbestos. In this disease, cancerous cells grow in the protective lining (mesothelium) covering the internal organs of the body. This disease is commonly located in the outer lining of the chest cavity and lungs (pleura). It can also be found in the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum), or the sac that envelops the heart (pericardium). People who contract this disease have invariably worked on jobs that put them in close contact with asbestos.

One of the characteristics of mesothelioma is that symptoms can appear very late, sometimes 50 years following first contact with asbestos. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma, the disease?s most common form, include discomfort in the chest and difficulty in breathing. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma, another form of the disease, include weight loss, abdominal swelling and pain. Blood clotting, bowel obstruction and fever are other symptoms of this type of mesothelioma. If the malignancy has spread to other body parts, then symptoms may include pain, face swelling and difficulty in swallowing food. However, it is important to remember that these symptoms are not exclusive to this disease; they can happen with other less severe conditions as well.

Over the past two decades, the rate of mesothelioma cases has gone up. Still, in the larger picture, it is a relatively rare cancer. The percentage of cases largely depends on the populations? exposure to asbestos. In the United States, it has been reported that that frequency may have hit the highest point at 15 per million in 2004. This trend is thought to continue in other parts of the world. Interestingly, mesothelioma is more common in men than women. The risk of this disease augments with age, but a person of any age or gender can be affected. About one-fifth to one-third of all mesothelioma cases are peritoneal.

Mesothelioma Asbestos provides detailed information on Mesothelioma and Asbestos, Mesothelioma Asbestos Diseases, Mesothelioma Asbestos Treatment, Asbestos Mesothelioma Cancer and more. Mesothelioma Asbestos is affiliated with Mesothelioma Diagnosis Support

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mesothelioma Asbestos Treatment

In spite of the rapid growth of technology and the bright discoveries of the medical fraternity, the treatment of mesothelioma has been far from successful. Conventional therapies have somewhat flopped, and patients survive twelve months, at an average, after being found out having the disease. The following are the options available for a person with mesothelioma:

One is surgery, either by itself, or in conjunction with pre-operative or post-operative therapies. However, this has only a 5-year survival rate of less than 10% of those affected by the disease.

The tumor is extremely resistant to chemotherapy and radiotherapy; yet these methods are sometimes deployed to alleviate symptoms caused by tumor metastases, like obstruction of a blood vessel.

Treatment methods that involve immunotherapy have brought about inconsistent results. For instance, ?intra-pleural immunization? of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) to enhance the immune response was found to be of no advantage to the mesothelioma patient. However, those suffering from bladder cancer have benefited from this treatment. Patients undertaking this specific therapy felt major side effects, like fever and cachexia. Nevertheless, other methods using ?interferon alpha? have proven to be more effective, with a fifth of all tested mesothelioma patients experiencing more than half the reduction in tumor mass, with few side effects.

Then there is another procedure called ?heated intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy?. It was discovered by a surgeon named Paul Sugarbaker, of the Washington Cancer Institute. In this method, the surgeon takes out as much of the tumor mass as possible. This is subsequently followed by using a chemotherapy agent (at about 40 to 48?C) in the abdomen. The agent (a fluid) is inserted for an hour to two hours before being drained. This method allows for the usage of high concentrations of specific drugs into the pelvic surfaces. It also facilitates greater penetration of the medicines into the cancer tissues. Also, heating adversely affects malignant cells more than normal cells.

Mesothelioma Asbestos provides detailed information on Mesothelioma and Asbestos, Mesothelioma Asbestos Diseases, Mesothelioma Asbestos Treatment, Asbestos Mesothelioma Cancer and more. Mesothelioma Asbestos is affiliated with Mesothelioma Diagnosis Support

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Mesothelioma. How do doctors diagnose Asbestos Cancer? Part 2

Continued from part 1.

If the effusion is suspicious for some infection or cancer, sample of the fluid may give the clue whether the cause is benign or malignant. However, four out of five tests may miss the cancer. Eventually, the biopsy of the pleura by a needle or by a surgical procedure confirms the diagnosis of the mesothelioma.

For abdominal mesothelioma, an abdominal x-ray checks the fluid in your belly.

Sometime an x-ray may show not only effusions, but also mass, or signs of asbestos accumulation, pleural plaques and calcifications or scarring due to asbestosis and chronic inflammation.

Drain of the fluid is done by needle in the chest or abdominal cavity. The name is thoracocentesis or pleural aspiration from chest, and abdoparacentesis or peritoneal aspiration in tummy.

At modern days the CT (computerized tomography) scan is used more often. CT is a special x-ray machine that shows sliced images of your body. CT scan of chest or abdomen shows the swellings in organs, cavities, and lymph nodes. A contrast dye may help to the scan. CT scans show pleural effusion, pleural thickening, pleural calcification, spreading of tumor into chest wall. However, CT do not really distinguish benign asbestos disease, lung cancer or mesothelioma. Doctors also use CT scans for guiding needle aspiration of suspicious pleural masses.

Thoracoscopy is the procedure when a surgeon makes small cut in your chest wall between two ribs and looks through a thoracoscope (a tool with a video camera). The biopsy (tissue sample) goes to a lab to check for cancer cells.

Bronchoscopy allows doctors to look inside the airways. A thin flexible tube (bronchoscope) helps to get samples of tissue and send them sent to a lab for testing for cancer cells.

Mediastinoscopy checks mediastinum (the area in chest containing heart, great blood vessels, lymph nodes, esophagus, nerves and so on). Mediastinoscopy allows sampling lymph nodes in your body to look for metastases.

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure when doctors look inside of your belly with a small camera-fitted tube. The surgeons will biopsy suspicious areas. The bioptate (the tissue sample) goes to the laboratory. A pathologist checks it under a microscope. Laparoscopy leaves a small cut on the skin of your belly. Another name of the same procedure is peritoneoscopy. The tool is named peritoneoscope.

Putting a needle into your abdomen and removing the fluid inside is named paracentesis Putting a needle into your chest and draining the fluid is named thoracentesis.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan gives a sliced picture of the inside of your body. It is better than X-ray or CT scan because there is no radiation of your body. However it requires significant time. Sometimes it takes up to 20 minutes. And some people afraid to stay in the machine for half an hour required for the test. Besides MRI has a limitation. The test requires avoiding metals in your bodies (like metal joints and other metal implants). MRI is not a routine test, so sometime it is not ordered. Magnetic Resonance Imaging is most commonly ordered to determine the extent of tumor to plan the surgery. MRI also easier than CT scans shows enlarged lymph nodes and surface of diaphragm and this is important for surgical planning.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) came recently for diagnosing different type of cancers and mesothelioma as well. PET uses special radioactive substances that emit positrons. Localized mesothelioma is confined to the pleura. Advanced mesothelioma spreads to the lungs, chest wall, abdomen and lymph nodes.

Pathological examination checks biopsy samples under the microscope It is difficulty to diagnose mesothelioma sometime. The cells of the tumor may be of many different types. These cells may look similar to other cancers. Peritoneal cells may look similar to pleural mesothelioma or other types of lung cancer and even ovarian cancer. Epithelioid type of mesothelioma is more common and considered better for treatment more than aggressive sarcomatous type. Biphasic mesothelioma is the mixture of both.

Doctors and scientists also proposed some immunological makers to find mesothelioma, however majority of the markers are not very specific. Just to mention: Epithelial membrane antigen, CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen √ very unspecific, may happen in many different cancers), Calretinin, Mesothelin, Cytokeratin, osteopontin and some others.

Look also:,,

So, to recap, the tests used by doctors:


*CT scan





*MRI scan



*All kinds of biopsy

The diagnosis is done after careful evaluation of complaints, physical exam and imaging in addition to the biopsy.

Keywords: Diagnosis, asbestos cancer, malignant pleural mesothelioma, mesothelioma symptoms, peritoneal mesothelioma, lung cancer

Aleksandr Kavokin, MD, PhD. Medical Articles, Free On-line diagnostics at,

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Asbestos the Silent Killer

An article about the history of asbestos and the potential future problems asbestos may cause. People fear that asbestos could cause an epidemic if it is not removed from places of business and homes quickly and appropriately.

Despite the fact the government banned the importation of blue and brown asbestos over twenty years ago and finally banned white asbestos in 1999, 3500 people currently die every year from asbestos related diseases.

Be it the lung choking ?asbestosis? or the cancer ?Mesothelioma? these diseases make asbestos the biggest industrial killer today.

In the 50?s and 60?s following World War 2, millions of tons of raw asbestos was imported into the UK to be made into building products and other industrial uses.

It was cheap, easy to mine and when added to various building products gave them extra strength and fire retardant properties.

Just what was needed to help the post war building boom.

However it was not until well into the sixties that it was discovered that the ingestion of its fibres caused terminal damage to peoples lungs.

All those people working in the factories using asbestos in their products had already been damaged by the microscopic fibres of asbestos. This was borne out by the climbing death rates in the late 80?s as it can take anything from 5 to 25 years for the asbestos dieses to kill you.

When the government brought in various bans on the importation and the using of asbestos in products they assumed by the turn of the new millennium there would be a fall in the number of deaths attributed to asbestos.

Unfortunately the exact opposite happened and the death toll continued to rise.

After some research the government found that because very few landlords or tenants of non-domestic buildings had bothered to have their building surveyed to find the whereabouts of any asbestos containing materials thousands of maintenance workers were coming into buildings and drilling holes or cutting out panels etc and disturbing the asbestos and on a regular basis breathing in small amounts of deadly fibres.

So as time went on they became infected and joined the numbers of people dying who had worked in the asbestos factories of the 50?s and 60?s.

Out of all this chaos was born the ?Control of Asbestos in the Workplace? legislation.

From May 2004 for the first time every owner or tenant, whoever was deemed responsible under the terms of leases, was legally obliged to have their premises surveyed and the position, quantity, condition and type of all ACM?s noted in a report form with a management plan to deal with the risk.

These reports would then be available to any employee or outside contractor who may want to work in the areas containing asbestos and following laid out ?Codes of Practice? take the necessary steps to minimise the release of harmful fibres into the atmosphere and subsequently into their lungs.

Simple precautions like not using power tools, wearing an appropriate face-mask, wearing throw away overalls and other very basic things will help stop the ingestion of deadly asbestos fibres.

Although this act will not immediately stop the death rate soaring to 10,000 deaths per year by 2020 eventually with the new knowledge and awareness of asbestos products contained in these reports we will see a decline in the death rate.

The message about asbestos is not to rip it out of buildings unnecessarily but to know of its whereabouts and manage it.

Only finally removing it under controlled conditions when it is damaged or disintegrating beyond reasonable repair.

Christopher Angus helps promote the following websites:

Printing Company
asbestos training
Oxford Double Glazing

Christopher Angus is a freelance writer and website promoter. He is available for hire.
Please contact him at chris (at) brilliantseo (dot) com

Christopher Angus is a freelance writer and journalist. He is available for hire and website promotion. He writes articles on behalf of clients for ?20.00 each ? These articles are then submitted to quality article directories

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What Is Asbestos?

What is Asbestos?

According to the Asbestos Network, asbestos actually refers to several naturally occurring minerals. These minerals have been used in commercial products to increase strength and flexibility. The Asbestos Network claims that these minerals are a mix of metals, silicon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Asbestos, like coal or gold is mined. Some of the countries that mine asbestos include the United Sates, Canada, South America and the former Soviet Union.

Types of Asbestos

Asbestos is not just one substance; in fact it can be divided into several different types, and these types can be divided into two basic groups. These two groups are serpentine and amphibole. Environmental Health and Safety claims that the serpentine group only contains one member: chrysotile. This type of asbestos is the most common form found in buildings and is also known as ?white asbestos.?

Both the Asbestos Network and Environmental Health and Safety list five different types of asbestos within the amphibole group. These five include amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite. Amosite is the second most prevalent type found in building materials and is also referred to as ?brown asbestos.? Crocidolite, ?blue asbestos,? is found in structures where the materials need to be safe from high temperatures. The final three, anthyphyllite, tremolite, and actinolite, are rarely found.

Problems Related to Asbestos

The Asbestos Network explains that contact with asbestos can cause diseases such as asbestos lung cancer and mesothelioma. The fibrous nature of asbestos causes much of the problem. The fibers may get caught in the lungs and create lung damage. Or, they may even be swallowed and become lodged in membranes of the gastrointestinal track, according to the Asbestos Network. Again, this could lead to cancer of the lungs or of the GI tract. So while it may be thought that the lungs are the only place that can be damaged, it is other parts of the body can be negatively affected by asbestos.

Who is at Risk?

According to the Asbestos Network, the ?dose? of asbestos that a person is exposed to equals the combination of the concentration, or the amount of asbestos in the air, and the duration, or the length of time that a person is exposed to asbestos. The more asbestos inhaled, the greater the chance of damage to lungs or other internal organs. Also, the Network says that cigarette smoking increases the likelihood of contracting an asbestos disease as it decreases the general health of the lungs. The Asbestos Network also lists several occupations that may be more likely to suffer from asbestos created diseases. These occupations include construction work, ship building, railroad working and automobile engineers.

How To Avoid It

There are several things that those who work around asbestos can do to limit their contact with the cancer causing fibers. The American Lung Association of Georgia insists on no eating or drinking while you are working. The Association also urges workers not to smoke and to follow proper guidelines when handling asbestos. Employers that place their employees in asbestos filled areas should have the employees properly trained on how to handle the substance, as well as how to avoid interacting with it.

Robert Michael is a writer for ABE Mesothelioma which is an excellent place to find mesothelioma links, resources and articles. For more information go to:

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Asbestos Removal

Many buildings hold the presence of carcinogenic Asbestos which was used in thermal system insulation and numerous other materials. Before the ban on ?popcorn ceilings? in the United States in 1978, its use was a common practice in the construction of homes. The ?popcorn ceiling? is a source of the dangerous Asbestos, and therefore initiates a health need to remove the Asbestos present in the home and get the same verified in a competent laboratory. Asbestos might also be found in homes built as late as 1986, and therefore initiates a need of even their inspection. It is essential to determine the location of Asbestos, and them remove and dispose of it.

After removal, a proper disposal is crucial. The Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division regulates the disposal of Asbestos as a solid waste. The requirements presented in this brief account on Asbestos Removal applies to Asbestos containing waste and is not inclusive of Category I and Category II non-friable Asbestos waste that has not been reduced, crumbled, or pulverized to powder.

It is essential to seal Asbestos-containing waste in leak-proof containers or wrappings. The packaged Asbestos should be labeled as specified by 29 CFR 1910.1001(j) (2) or 1926.58(k) (2) (iii). It is essential for the label to include the following information: ?DANGER. CONTAINS ASBESTOS FIBERS. AVOID CREATING DUST. CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD.?

It is also essential for the labels to be in compliance with the 29 CFR 1910.1200(f) or OEBGD/FGS. To gain the value of visibility and legibility, it is essential to print the letters on the label in sufficient size and contrast. The labels must be printed in English, the host-nation language and DRMOs language. It should include the name and location of the waste generator.

The vehicle markings should be displayed such that they are easily readable and conform to the requirements for 51 cm?36 cm (20 in.?14 in) upright format signs as specified in 29 CFR 145(d) (4). It is essential to include the following important information in the lower panel with specified letter size, style, and visibility: ?DANGER. ASBESTOS. CANCER AND LUNG DISEASE HAZARD. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. RESPIRATORS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING ARE REQUIRED.?

A waste shipment record used for the shipments of Asbestos waste (40 CFR 61.150) is similar to the hazardous waste manifest requirement. It is the responsibility of the operator of the disposal facility to return a copy of the waste shipment record to the generator. It is always crucial to keep a copy of the waste record shipment for a period of 2 years.

Asbestos provides detailed information on asbestos, asbestos and mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos exposure and more. Asbestos is affliated with Lung Cancer Stages

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Asbestos Litigation

The Asbestos inhalation-induced toxicity to workers and their relatives has been the cause of serious health ailments, including the malignant mesothelioma. Asbestos Litigation is a multi-billion dollar industry of lawyers and law firms that specialize in the provision of compensation to people suffering from mesothelioma and/or other serious Asbestos-related health ailments.

The law aims to provide ?all? that is lost, but fails. The law works to provide compensation for the consequences produced by the carcinogenic Asbestos, and includes the cost of medical care, rehabilitation, lost wages, lost earning capacity, and the affected life enjoyment resulting in emotional distress, pain and suffering. Punitive damages that result in the punishment of the defendants for their unlawful and unethical conduct are rare, and are based on the defendant?s wealth size and misdeed extent.

The ugly side of Asbestos Litigation is its misuse for monetary gain. This fraudulent way of gaining riches has taken its shelter in Asbestos Litigation. People who aim for money have been increasingly involved in filing false cases of Asbestos-induced health ailments. This results in the weakening of the cases of those who deserve compensation for real ailments, and brings many questions to mind. It therefore becomes essential to distinguish real sufferers from the expert pretenders in the market of advertised law and lawyers.

It is often difficult to determine whether someone has been exposed to asbestos, aside from their own personal testimony. Medical research on asbestos in humans is rare or non-existent, since the substance is deadly. The fiber is currently being phased out from all public use.

Asbestos provides detailed information on asbestos, asbestos and mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos exposure and more. Asbestos is affliated with Lung Cancer Stages

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Asbestos Legislation

Since the introduction of the first Asbestos bill in Congress some 30 years ago, the scenario has changed tremendously. The number of claims that are filed today are many times greater than in previous years. Of these numerous cases, some hold the stand of real human sufferings while others hold the place of real forged means. This has made the efforts of legislation tougher and has initiated the need to implement certain general rules for all the people who are suffering or have suffered from the carcinogenic Asbestos exposure.

On May 26, 2005, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would establish a $140 billion fund for a no-fault, administrative program to provide compensation to the people afflicted with Asbestos-induced disease. The trial lawyers protested for the low amount being put for the victims of Asbestos, while the experts benefited their stand by commenting that it was not to be inclusive for the fraudulent cases. Many states in America are taking crucial and well-designed steps to prevent legal fraud.

Asbestos is a carcinogen to humans. It is a highly particulating fiber. When pressed with the hand, microscopic dust is released and is inhaled into the lungs. This produces a number of diseases relating to the lungs, including mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is one of the most common diseases associated with asbestos. There is much litigation surrounding mesothelioma.

To this day asbestos exists. It is near the end of being phased out from all public use. However, the fiber is more or less a naturally occuring substance, so it will never be completely eradicated.

Asbestos provides detailed information on asbestos, asbestos and mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos exposure and more. Asbestos is affliated with Lung Cancer Stages

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Asbestos Trial Lawyers

Going to court, no matter if you are a victim or a criminal, is not a kind of entertainment, but when you are the plaintiff in a lawsuit that asks for millions of dollars of compensation for serious health injury, then it gets even more stressful.

Asbestos lawsuits have been gaining ground in the last two or three decades after it was discovered that many companies deliberately did not disclose to their workers the dirty secrets about the irrevocable health danger that asbestos poses.

There have been so many cases that some lawyers specialize in asbestos litigation. While there have been cases that have been settled outside the court, still there are thousands of cases annually that are brought to the court for settlement.

In the beginning, winning an asbestos case was not easy. Asbestos trial lawyers could not prove in the courtroom that the condition of their clients was a result of the evil intentions and negligence of their former employers.

Then it became easier to convince the court and win the case. Actually, it became so easy, that the effect of the pendulum came ? many ?victims?, who were pretty healthy at the time of the suit but have worked in an asbestos environment in the past, started suing their former employers and there were cases when they did manage to get hefty amounts of money.

Of course, this was not without the help of unscrupulous trial lawyers. Taking advantage of the fact that so many people really suffer from asbestos-related diseases and most of them were never compensated (the dead do not go to court), these trial lawyers became accomplices in filing false claims and unfairly winning tons of money.

So when you are looking for a good asbestos trial lawyer, keep an eye open if there are rumors about foul play in his or her previous asbestos cases, because if there is, you might be considered the latest false claimant.

Asbestos Lawyers provides detailed information on Asbestos Lawyers, Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers, Asbestos Trial Lawyers, Asbestos Lawsuits and more. Asbestos Lawyers is affliated with Asbestos Litigation Attourneys

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Asbestos And Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a carcinogenic, fibrous mineral, which is at times used in construction, usually for insulating purposes. People who live or work in conditions where they are exposed to asbestos fibers run the risk of developing mesothelioma. Despite its health hazards, asbestos is often used in construction due to the fact that it is relatively a cheap material.

Consequently, construction workers exposed to the mineral, as well as their families, are most at risk of developing this rare form of cancer. Workers bring home the carcinogenic fibers as traces on their clothes, thereby exposing family members to the danger of developing the cancer. A few weeks of exposure to asbestos can be enough to cause mesothelioma. However, in general mesothelioma has a latency period of 35-40 years from the time of exposure to asbestos to the actual development of symptoms.

Older buildings that have exposed insulation that contains asbestos, or other areas where asbestos fibers are disturbed or exposed, need to be checked by professionals and repaired or removed. Asbestos fixed firmly and used as insulation within enclosed areas such as walls and pipes is not likely to pose a health hazard with regard to malignant pleural mesothelioma, as long as it is not sawed, drilled or in any other manner that could cause the asbestos fibers to be diffused into the air, and be breathed in.

There is no safe level of exposure. Consequently, people who work with asbestos need to ensure that they are protected from exposure and that they do not bring asbestos dust on their clothes home to their families. Smoking, together with exposure to levels of asbestos can increase the chances of this cancer developing. However, not all those exposed to asbestos develop mesothelioma cancer, as genetic factors are involved.

Mesothelioma asbestos poisoning is usually fatal, and death often results within a relatively short span of time from the period when the symptoms first manifest themselves. Overall in the United States, the number of cases of mesothelioma cancer is on the rise.

Asbestos And Mesothelioma provides detailed information on malignant mesothelioma, asbestos and mesothelioma, mesothelioma, mesothelioma research and more. Asbestos And Mesothelioma is affiliated with Malignant Mesothelioma Diagnosis

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Friday, March 7, 2008

Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos, being regulated by OSHA and cited by ACGIH, DOT, NIOSH, NTP, DEP, IARC, HHAG, and EPA, falls on the Hazardous substance list. Also, because of the associated carcinogenic effect, it falls on the Special Health Hazard Substance List. Workplace Exposure limits for Asbestos fibers longer than 5 micrometers have been set. It should, however, be considered that Asbestos, being a carcinogen in humans, has no safe level of Exposure. The crucial steps to minimize Asbestos Exposure to workers and their family members include establishment of a regulated, marked area for handling and storage of asbestos, preference for enclosed operations and use of local exhaust ventilation at the site of chemical release. Other important steps for control include the wearing of protective work clothing, communicating all information on the hazards of asbestos, and washing thoroughly before leaving a regulated area and at the end of the work shift.

However, even by adhering to the workplace Exposure limits and to all crucial ways for reducing Asbestos Exposure, it is probable to develop Asbestos-induced health ailments. This needs to be consulted and resolved by a medical practitioner specialized in diseases induced by Asbestos Exposure.

The toxic effects induced by Asbestos inhalation include desquamating alveolitis, bronchiolitis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Other more serious health ailments caused by Asbestos Exposure include pleural effusion, pleural plaques, pleural calcification, and mesothelioma (a highly malignant disease).

The toxicity induced by Asbestos also finds its place in the relatives of the workers exposed to it. This is mainly due to the presence of Asbestos fibers in the clothes of the Asbestos workers. These contaminated clothes, too, require safe measures for cleaning or disposal. Because of the capacity of Asbestos to cause potential hazards to health, its use has been banned in many industries.

Asbestos And Mesothelioma provides detailed information on asbestos, asbestos and mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos exposure and more. Asbestos And Mesothelioma is affiliated with Lung Cancer Stages

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Asbestos In Your Home ? Don?t Give Your Kids Cancer

Many homes still have asbestos products in them, these range from heaters and fire places to roof tiles. Children play with Asbestos on a daily basis and are exposing themselves to a highly dangerous product that will almost certainly cause cancer and death later in life, if the exposure is high enough.
It is reported that children are prone to cancer after asbestos exposure.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a mineral fibre that is known for its heat resistance and strength. It is also very resistant to acid.
Asbestos can only positively be identified under a microscope, however, asbestos in the home and workplace is very easy to identify.
As asbestos ages it starts to crumble and break, the fibres which are deadly are then released into the air and breathed in.

What Illnesses are caused by Asbestos?

The tiny fibres that are released by the asbestos penetrate deeply into the lungs and remain in the individuals lungs for the rest of their lives.
Constant or regular exposure to high does of asbestos fibres can cause scarring of the lung tissue and respiratory disease asbestosis. Exposures to low amounts of asbestos are still highly dangerous and can cause lung cancer. Direct contact with asbestos can also cause Mesothelioma ? a form of cancer exclusively linked to asbestos exposure.
Symptoms of asbestos exposure usually take 20 ? 40 years to develop and 100% of cases are fatal.
All types of asbestos cause cancer and all types of asbestos cancers can kill.
Children are especially prone to developing cancer after exposure to asbestos.

What Products Contain Asbestos?

- Floor Tiles
- Ceiling Tiles
- Sprayed on Textures Ceilings
- Wrapping For Pipes
- Boiler Insulation
- Fire Proofing ? Surfaces and Similar
- Roof Tiles
- Roof Tar
- Heaters ? Gas & Electric

What To Do If You Suspect You Are In Contact With Asbestos

Should you discover or suspect that you have asbestos in any part of your home or business you need to make a decision based on the amount of exposure and the condition of the asbestos.
The most important factor is the general condition of the asbestos. If it is crumbling or broken it must be removed immediately as it will be releasing deadly asbestos fibres into the surrounding area.
You must not remove the asbestos yourself. The asbestos needs to be removed and disposed by a properly qualified and protected individual.
Call your local government office or council immediately and seek advice on recognised companies that can remove the asbestos safely.

If you are a home owner or a tenant you must make arrangements immediately to have the asbestos encapsulated or removed. You are liable for any person who develops cancer as a result of exposure in your home.

Christopher Angus helps promote the following sites:

Asbestos Awareness Training

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Asbestos Removed from Capitol Hill Tunnel

On September 20, 2006 licensed asbestos abatement workers were scheduled to remove about 1,000 bags of asbestos-containing materials from the Capitol tunnel -- a site which has generated much controversy in regards to workers and asbestos exposure.

Smaller amounts of asbestos began to be removed earlier in the year, shortly after it was discovered that 10 men who work in the tunnels were exposed to what would be considered dangerously high levels of asbestos. According to an article in The Hill, earlier this year three senators introduced and passed an amendment to the emergency supplemental spending bill that would provide nearly $28 million in federal funds to begin to repair the infrastructure. It has been estimated that the abatement work and repair of the tunnels may cost as much as $200 million.

Lawmakers have been extremely irate that Capitol workers have suffered ongoing exposure to this toxic material, which is known to cause such lung diseases as asbestosis and mesothelioma, an aggressive form of cancer which carries little chance of long-term survival. A complaint filed with OSHA in February prompted the current clean-up, which could continue for months.

For more information on this, see:

Monheit Law, Anapol Schwartz Weiss Cohan Feldman & Smalley, Michael Monheit Esq., represent victims of occupational exposure to toxic substances such as Asbestos

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Asbestos Cancer

Asbestos, a naturally occurring complex silicate, was extensively used in many industries, including insulation in ship building, manufacture of brake linings, and automobiles. Asbestos is a common name given to a group of six fibrous minerals which have their existence in two general forms, friable and non-friable. The toxic effects induced by Asbestos inhalation include desquamating alveolitis, bronchiolitis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Other more serious health ailments caused by Asbestos exposure include pleural effusion, pleural plaques, pleural calcification, and Asbestos Cancer (mesothelioma).

Asbestos Cancer, a serious health problem associated with Asbestos exposure, starts when cells found in mesothelium (a protective lining that covers most of the internal organs of the body) becomes abnormal and divide without control or order. These cancer cells may spread to damage tissues and organs. The diagnosis of Asbestos Cancer is difficult with pleural cytology. The characteristic radiographic feature of the disease is massive pleural effusion.

The disease is almost three times more common in males as compared to females. The maximum number of Asbestos Cancer cases is reported in the age group of 40 -60 years. The most common symptoms observed during the onset of Asbestos Cancer include asthenia, breathlessness, and dull chest pain. Other less frequent symptoms include cough, fever, and loss of weight. Haemoptysis is a symptom of Asbestos Cancer which is rarely observed.

The therapeutic (chemotherapy or immunotherapy) means are mostly unable to help significantly in the treatment. Even radiotherapy and pleurectomy fail as effective treatment options. The average patient?s survival after the diagnosis of Asbestos Cancer is 8 to 10 months. The most preferable option can be of preventive treatment for Asbestos Cancer. Strict industrial safety measures, proper hygiene, and regular check up of workers exposed to Asbestos must form the crucial part of serious Asbestos Cancer preventive treatment methods.

Asbestos provides detailed information on asbestos, asbestos and mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos exposure and more. Asbestos is affliated with Lung Cancer Stages

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Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers

Mesothelioma is only one of the asbestos-related diseases, but it is the most serious among them because it can be a deadly form of cancer that affects workers who have been working unprotected in an asbestos environment.

Mesothelioma cases in the States are still rare. It is estimated that there are about 2,000-3,000 new cases every year, but this is probably due to the fact that the majority of people who had been affected by asbestos in the 1930s and 1940s have already died and those who have been exposed to it in the 1960s-1970s still have not developed mesothelioma, so it is fair to say that more mesothelioma cases can be expected in the years to come.

Since mesothelioma is clearly related to unprotected exposure to asbestos in the past, there have been many lawsuits of the victims of the asbestos against companies, who instead of taking measures to protect them against the dangers, chose to hide from the general public facts about the devastating effects of asbestos on human health.

It is this wrongdoing that makes companies liable to their workers and gives grounds for asbestos mesothelioma lawyers to file lawsuits on behalf of their clients. There are lawyers who have significant experience in such cases and have won impressive verdicts for the companies, whose behavior was next to criminal.

Additionally, lawyers who have specialized in the area of mesothelioma know enough about the disease itself to plead the case in court and help their clients. There are mesothelioma lawyers who had virtually done miracles to defect their clients in court!

Therefore, if you or your family is considering starting a mesothelioma lawsuit, the first thing to do is to find a good asbestos mesothelioma lawyer.

Asbestos Lawyers provides detailed information on Asbestos Lawyers, Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers, Asbestos Trial Lawyers, Asbestos Lawsuits and more. Asbestos Lawyers is affliated with Asbestos Litigation Attourneys

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Monday, March 3, 2008

Asbestos Lawyers

If you are one of the many victims of greedy asbestos manufacturers and now you or your relatives have developed mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases, a common course of action is to find an asbestos lawyer and start a lawsuit against the manufacturer.

While asbestos lawyers are not very common, there are hundreds of them in the United States and this is the most logical choice to make when you are on the verge of starting a lawsuit.

When you hire a lawyer to represent you in court, you need first to gather information about his or her experience with asbestos cases. Although asbestos litigation is not a separate branch of law, choosing a lawyer with experience in it is much better than trusting a divorce lawyer, for example.

Choosing a lawyer who has had experience with asbestos cases has one other benefit ? it is likely that he or she might have other clients who will file a similar lawsuit, and you can have a class action against the manufacturer.

Additionally, an experienced asbestos lawyer will be able to tell you how long the previous cases took to settle, what was the compensation, were there any intricacies, etc. Even if the experienced lawyer charges more than his or her less experienced colleagues, it is better to trust him than go and fight in court with somebody who is not so competent.

There are experienced asbestos lawyers in every state, so if you are searching hard enough, it will not take too long to find one. Having a local lawyer has the advantage that you can easily communicate with him or her when necessary. Since a typical lawsuit can take up to 3 years, be prepared for a long battle for your compensation!

Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers provides detailed information on Asbestos Lawyers, Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers, Asbestos Trial Lawyers, Asbestos Lawsuits and more. Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers is affiliated with Asbestos Litigation Attourneys

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Asbestos And Mesothelioma 1

Asbestos, a naturally occurring complex silicate, was extensively used in many industries, including insulation in shipbuilding, manufacture of brake lining, and automobiles. Asbestos is a common name given to a group of six fibrous minerals which have their existence in two general forms, friable and non-friable. The toxic effects induced by asbestos inhalation include desquamating alveolitis, bronchiolitis, and pulmonary fibrosis. Other more serious health ailments caused by asbestos exposure include pleural effusion, pleural plaques, pleural calcification, and Mesothelioma (a highly malignant disease).

Mesothelioma, a serious health problem associated with asbestos exposure, starts when cells found in mesothelium (a protective lining that covers most of the internal organs of the body) becomes abnormal and divides without control and order. These cancer cells may spread to damage tissues and organs. The diagnosis of Mesothelioma is difficult by pleural cytology. The characteristic radiographic feature of the disease is massive pleural effusion.

The disease is almost three times more common in males as compared to females. The maximum number of Mesothelioma cases is reported in the age group of 40-60 years. The most common symptoms observed during the onset of Mesothelioma include asthenia, breathlessness, and dull chest pain. Other less frequent symptoms include cough, fever, and loss of weight. Haemoptysis is a symptom of Mesothelioma which is rarely observed.

The therapeutic (chemotherapy or immunotherapy) means are mostly unable to help significantly in the treatment. Even radiotherapy and pleurectomy fail as effective treatment options. The average patient survival after the diagnosis of Mesothelioma is 8 to 10 months. The most preferable option can be of preventive treatment for Mesothelioma. Strict industrial safety measures, proper hygiene, and regular check up of workers exposed to asbestos must form the crucial part of serious Mesothelioma preventive treatment methods.

Asbestos provides detailed information on asbestos, asbestos and mesothelioma, asbestos cancer, asbestos exposure and more. Asbestos is affliated with Lung Cancer Stages

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Asbestos Lung Cancer

People with a history of asbestos exposure are about seven times more likely to die from lung cancer than those who are unexposed to asbestos. Asbestos exposure is associated with all types of lung cancer, and with a rare type of cancer called malignant mesothelioma, which affects the tissue lining the lungs called the pleura. The time between exposure and development of cancer ranges from 15 to 30 years. This gap between exposure and disease may delay diagnosis until the lung cancer is advanced and less amenable to treatment. If someone with asbestos exposure also smokes, the risk of getting lung cancer increases substantially.

Until the mid-20th century, asbestos was widely used in construction and to manufacture insulation and fire retardant materials. As knowledge of the health risks associated with asbestos fiber inhalation or ingestion increased, asbestos became less commonly used. While asbestos is still present in many public buildings and in older homes, it is generally thought to be less harmful to leave it in place than to remove it, as doing so may release asbestos fibers into the air. Some industries continued to use asbestos after its risks became known, and are facing lawsuits from former employees.

The symptoms of asbestos-related lung cancer are similar to those of lung cancer in general. These include breathlessness, wheezing, chest pain, coughing up of blood, a new cough or a persistent cough, or hoarseness. A diagnosis is usually made using a combination of physical examination, x-rays, CT scans, lung tissue biopsies, and lung function tests. Recent research suggests that levels of a blood protein, osteopontin, rise in people with malignant mesothelioma. Treatment depends on the type of lung cancer and on the stage or extent of spread when it is diagnosed; overall five-year survival rates are below 20 percent.

Asbestos Lung Cancer provides detailed information on Asbestos Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer, Lung Cancer Stages, Lung Cancer Survival Rate and more. Asbestos Lung Cancer is affiliated with Asbestos Exposure

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